Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mystic Arts | Planetary Kameas vrmx

for Agiel, Yophiel, Graphiel, Nakhiel, Hagiel, Tiriel and Scharthathan.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Idea: supermarket to adopt Like tagging in the store

Wouldn't it be great if supermarket customers could LikeTag their favourite products LIVE using their personal supermarket customer cards?

and why not also set up the supermarket's Facebook page where visitors can LikeTag the products online with immediate live updates offline - in the store?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

'fake' advertising in the future

Modern advertising has a serious ethical problem:
It artificially creates demand for things that people don't really need. Increasingly so it also perpetuates unsustainable growth.

Here's a simple comparison of what is and will be.


we make a product first and then try artificially create maximum market demand for it (through advertising)
result: unsustainable overproduction


we advertise the concepts of future products first (or try to create maximum market demand for it) and only later, if there's enough positive response for it, we move into production process.
result: sustainable economy

So the difference is in the order of continuity.

This also implies that a creative agency will be spending most of its resources on creating new product concepts and 'fake' ads.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Future of marketing

A thought has a mass that can be measured. In the future people’s thoughts can be detected and quantified by special sensors that would be embedded in the objects of observation, i.e. a billboard,video screen, etc. The length of the visual contact between the observer and the observed object will reveal the degree of interest and the nature of the observer’s response.