Showing posts with label mysticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mysticism. Show all posts

Monday, October 01, 2012

Untitled painting

acrylics on board, 100 x 100 cm

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Big Bang theory ft. Ouroboros

The problem of conventional scientists to explain the origin of Big Bang seems to me quite obvious - they miss a spiritual element in their equations.

This is how I see the cause and origin of Big Bang:


I see the Attractor (Cause) being similar to Black Worm. Its head is in the Invisible World and its tail in the Visible World. The Worm 'spits out' the idea of a Universe, the idea penetrates the 'veil' and appears in the visible world as a dot. This is the instance of Big Bang and beginning of the visible phenomena of the idea. The universe is 'pushed' from the Invisible world, in the Visible world it is 'pulled' back to the original source - the mysterious Cause-Attractor, which is the magnetically charged tail ( back side) of the Worm.

As the visible Universe is getting closer to the tail of the Worm it accelerates, until eventually it reaches its Cause and flips back into the Invisible world towards the other side of the Worm. ('Head' and 'Tail' are opposite sides of the Black Worm which has a shape of a doughnut.)
In philosophy the Black Worm is referred as Nous (Universal Mind). In ancient mysticism it was pictured as Ouroboros.

Back in the Invisible 'brain' of the Ouroboros the Universe is being 'copied' in the Mind (memory), 'enriched' with a memory of a previous incident (cycle) and propelled further down the line to make a new cycle of its perpetual evolution.

The Black Worm evolves itself by following the same circular pattern through the body ('head' and 'tail') of its own Creator - a superior Cause.

I will expand this idea in my new upcoming book.


Saturday, June 09, 2012

From Nobel to Flamel

A headline I'd like to see in the near future:

In an effort to promote unselfish human gene, a secret society of alchemists openly admits its possession of Life Elixir - a substance with  mystical powers to induce immortality.

The society firmly states that Elixir of Life will never be offered for sale,  but instead given for free to the most unselfish people of the world,  for example, to publicly nominated candidates at a special annual Unselfish Gene Flamel Prize event, named after the acclaimed medieval alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

Flamel Prize. 
Unselfish people deserve to live longer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

For the record

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Concept for magick phone

This concept phone is made from clay, powered by orgone technology (combination of crystals and metals inside) and uses Enochian alphabet to dial a spirit of choice. When connection is established the spirits talk through the mouth of the phone's 'face' directly into your ear.

Video demo comes soon.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ideas choose people

Here's a thought: It is a fundamental fallacy to think that we people come up with ideas on our own. In fact, ideas find people to manifest themselves. Ideas are processes. They use people as 'petri dishes' or vehicles for their fulfillment. It's ideas who choose people and not the other way around. I guess that means one has to be worthy to be chosen.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Portraits of spirits

digital artwork of scrying images

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Crystal gazing tachnique

meditation on the beach
background music: Aes Dana | Signs

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Magick Alphabet

Messages to 4 spiritual beings composed in magick alphabet:

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Idea: More inspiring toilet art

A public toilet is usually a canvas for profanity:

Here's a more inspiring alternative to adorn the space with Dogon mysteries of Sirius:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mystic arts

some of my drawings based on mystic teachings and personal magick alphabet:

Magick RayBans

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mystic Arts | Planetary Kameas vrmx

for Agiel, Yophiel, Graphiel, Nakhiel, Hagiel, Tiriel and Scharthathan.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Idea: New Age Nokia

In the future Nokia develops technology to connect inner selves.
Here's a concept for a future ad:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Magick Arts

magician's circles of work:

1. eclectic chaos version

2. planetary forces, sigilised mandalas version

work in progress...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Mind vs Heart

The following map shows limitation of human mind in perception of the ultimate reality.
Higher knowledge of reality is achieved through integration of all the senses, i.e. 5 senses of the mind (which interpret material plane) and the 6th sense of the heart (which transcends the material).