Showing posts with label other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label other. Show all posts

Monday, October 06, 2008

My tribute to street fashion

a tribal hat from the north of thailand and ornate scarf from todas people in central india.

click on the pic to enlarge

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Examples of truely engaging advertising!

Another smartly mutilated billboard in Berlin mitte. Headline on the poster reads:

Never before the white was so red.

It looks like someone got on the scaffoldings behind the poster, cut it through and poured some red paint on the car.

Also a couple of days ago I was driving by a billboard ... the ad featured big packshot of Lucky Strikes cigarettes with some headline. What was really amusing - over the packshot someone thickly sprayed: Ich rauche joint! (I smoke joints!). I didn't have my camera then to take a snap, but when I returned the next day - the billboard was already replaced! That's German efficiency for you ;).

I wonder, as this anti-ads activism is growing (at least in the urban hipster areas for now) what are they going to do when it starts happening on a regular basis and everywhere? To place 24 hour police guards next to every billboard in the city? Or make less boring ads?

More examples:

Headline: Berlin is liquidly again! Tag: So what?

Headline: Everywhere free television! Tag: Distraction ("television" crossed out)

self congratulating poster: "We are the best electricity provider of 2008!"
crossed out and signed: "The client"