Showing posts with label trends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trends. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Post Modern Banking

At the moment banks make profit from playing with customer’s savings as well as charging them with different sorts of fees related to the accounts.
Thus bankers make a double-kill: they ‘milk’ people and the people’s money. This might be acceptable in the past but is increasingly seen as unethical and greedy. Especially in the light of Occupy Wall Street movement which sends a clear message: Greed is bad for business!

I’d like to see a bank with honest strategy: PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT. 

1. The bankers should realize that when customers give their money/savings to a bank, it’s the bank’s privilege and not the customer’s.

2. Practically it means that a bank should treat its private account holders as equal partners and make all their accounts activity absolutely FREE (no annual fees for credit cards, any money transactions or any other hidden or unhidden costs.)

3. The bank makes money only from outside business investments!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Concept: Skin patches to produce mouth flavour

A skin patch that produces taste in the mouth, i.e.: mint, lemon, barbeque, etc.

Use: wear the patch during meals to add flavour or between meals for refreshment.

Concept: Skin Gardens

In the future people will be growing food on their bodies.
The seeds of nano-food would be ‘planted’ by oral ingestion and following the natural cycles the harvest would grow on a chosen part of the human skin. The food would be consumed by simply scraping it off the skin and digesting it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Responsible Smoking vs Anti-Smoking


In the future people will recognize the harm being done to public health by ‘negative suggestion’ methods used in current anti-smoking campaigns. 

A new campaign ‘Smoke responsibly’ will be adopted as an official strategy. The strategy won’t be trying to scare the smokers but rather engage them in a dialog.

Monday, May 21, 2012

ads are ditched online

Adblock is a free app that gets rid of ads on the web now available at Chrome Web Store

Here's an identical idea I had 3 years ago  .... the widget offers to swap ads for kittens.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

21 century business mantra:


Sunday, August 21, 2011

The end of Commodity Age

Commodity paradigm is increasingly becoming obsolete.
The process of 'uncommodification' has already started with information.
ALL information wants to be free (of charge).
When this happens - uncommodification of physical stuff will follow.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Idea: Psy World Wide Web

The future of Internet?

The webs are created using 'right brain tech', which in my lexicon represents 'immaterial' or 'neurological' technologies where the brain is the only 'hardware' and mind is 'software'. Bio-chemical and shamanic in nature, these P2P networks won't need computers to connect to each other.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Idea: Future of European Union

Problem: Collapse of the current political, social and economic structure of European Union.

Solution: To allow citizens of Europe to choose what political and economic society they prefer to live, according to their values and principles. i.e.:

1. CAPITALISTAN: for people who enjoy working hard and make lots of money.
2. SOCIALISTAN: for people who like to live in a 'nanny' state.
3. TRIBALISTAN: for people who reject all of the above, reject consumerism and governmental control, prefer to live in small sustainable communities, independent and self-governing.

The future EU won't have countries but will be divided on 3 main society zones based on alternative political and economic values.

All 3 society zones will have an agreement of no expansion or interference with each other. Each model will have a sovereign control over its natural resources. Trading of land and natural resources between the zones will be restricted. For example, Capitalistan won't be able to use in any way natural resources of Tribalistan. And 'entrepreneurs' from Tribalistan won't be able to sell it.

To ensure that the equilibrium between the societies is not tipped by one or another society-model, a special UN of Europe will be established. Its task will be to keep political forces of each society from interfering into internal matters of each other,i.e. waging wars, slander, etc.

In my opinion, the future of each society zone will be determined by free and unrestricted migration of populace. To join a system would require to sign a legal contract (responsibilities and rights). Contracts can be permanent or temporary.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Transcendental Art : Entoptic forms

Conventional art is based on perception of outside world (material objects), whereas entoptic (or transcendental) art is generated by inner world (nervous system) and represents different types of subjective visual phenomena.

Entoptic art is psychosomatic in nature and comes out of oneself - namely from the psyche of participating observer.

Interestingly enough, the very first art form on the planet was ‘kick started’ by taking psychoactive ingredients in the diet of the first artists.

“Lewis-Williams and Dowson brought forward the original thesis that Paleolithic art is inspired by subjective visual phenomena, seen and depicted by shamans or spiritual men and women during altered states of consciousness.”

T. McKenna’s “Stoned Ape Theory” is also closely related to this entopic phenomena.

Entoptic forms are created (and perceived) by means of altering a state of consciousness of the observer. A good analogy would be a psychedelic drug. Another good example – a stroboscopic flicker device that produces visual stimuli in the mind of the observer. In other words, these art forms are created out of neurological makeup of the observer, inside the head, responding to external stimuli.

Since entoptic art is a self made, self generated type of art, it is relevant to mention: the better is the observer’s imagination; the richer is the art experience.

Entoptic phenomena is related to the ‘Observer’s Paradox’ principle from quantum physics. (It has been proven that conscious act of observation changes behavior of the observed object.) So, I assert that in entoptic trance observation equals creation.

As more people become interested in exploring personal psyche, ‘right brain’ technologies and gather more accurate understanding of how a human mind works – the creation of new diverse psychoactive stimuli will follow.

Just as with all thoughts and feelings of humankind, the original entoptic creations are stored in the planet’s noosphere (collective consciousness layer) and can be easily accessed through an appropriate stimuli. Note: stimuli dont have to be only psychoactive drugs, they can be physical devises like the dream machine lamp (mentioned above), sense deprivation tanks (Dr. Lilly's), holotropic breathwork, and other techniques to achieve alternative state of consciousness.
For example, famous shamanic paintings of Pablo Amaringo for me are just physical 3D ‘copies’ of the non-physical entopic art forms he mentally created/experienced with the help of ayahuasca stimuli.

Eventually, when the mainstream culture finally moves on from the current ‘material’ worldview paradigm to a more spiritual perception of reality (2012?), the notion of ‘art’ will also acquire a spiritually deeper meaning.

The new entoptic art paradigm will be mankind's rediscovery of the original psychedelic roots of art itself.

What I expect to see in 2012

Monday, May 30, 2011

Competition in The Golden Age

I think when it comes to human consciousness, competition, as a prime principle of human evolution, is hugely overrated. This mantra might be true for semi-conscious forms of life like animals for example, but could be quite detrimental for a more advanced beings like humans.
According to this paradigm mantra - if you don't compete, you don't survive. And to survive one needs power and money. So, most people go to work to survive.

As we evolve towards a more enlightened paradigm of being (The Golden Age) this 'compete-or-no-respect' ideology  is steadily crumbling away.  I believe that in the near future the prime motivation to go to work will not be money or power over other human beings, but opportunity for self-realization and earned respect from others.

I believe that people don't have to compete in order to better themselves or come up with great ideas. In fact, it has been proven already that competition doesn't automatically facilitate more creativity or lead to better ideas.

Science journalist Jonah Lehrer, referencing a landmark neuroscience study on brain activity during innovation, writes:

“The relaxation phase is crucial. That’s why so many insights happen during warm showers. … One of the surprising lessons of this research is that trying to force an insight can actually prevent the insight.”

In fact the greatest discoveries in human history were not motivated by monetary rewards, but for the love of doing the 'job'. (Gutenberg, Einstein, Eddison, young Bill Gates, founders of Youtube,....... On the other hand Mark Zuckerberg, who apparently stole the great idea , had different motivations ( read here )

So, it's not the competition that drives people to have great ideas, but loving what you do and self-respect. These are the real value currencies, not money and power. (In the Golden Age the idea of having power over other human being would seem as abhorring as cannibalism in today's society.)

To sum up, the nature of competition is to produce quantity, but not necessarily quality. In The Golden age quality is everything.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The De-personalization Revolution


I believe that hunger for personalization has already passed the top of the bell curve (around 2006) and soon will reach its fatigue point.   In times of social change idealistic values (that unite) are becoming more attractive than materialistic ones (that separate).

So here's my version for the headline on the cover:

Future of marketing 3: The De-personalization Revolution!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Black Swan says less is more

I believe that the current 'global crisis'(Black Swan) is caused by a sudden radical shift in values.
New perceptions create new needs. The next model of society is likely to hold values polar opposite to the current ones. As rules of the game change, so some conventional business practices will transcend or simply perish.

Below is a list of business sectors that in my opinion are going to substantially shrink, transform or die in the near future:

ADVERTISING (less consumption)

BANKING (less debt)

INSURANCE (less fear)

MILITARY (less wars)

POLICE (less crime)

LAWYERS (less crime)

DOCTORS (less diseases)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Idea: American Idol 2 (the unretarded version)

this guy is my recommendation as a candidate for a (future) brand new series of American Idol

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Age of Total Frankness might be next.

I believe it's very possible that during the major universal alignment, coming on 21 December 2012, the critical process of human DNA change will be triggered by powerful cosmic radiation reflected by the sun. The human species would suddenly acquire a psychic boost and be forced to live in the new brave world of total brutal frankness.

Social and Environmental impacts of mass telepathy.

Manly P. Hall on the next step of evolution of human consciousness:

"If a man acquires a full ESP:

He no longer will be able to keep a secret.
Nothing would happen without everyone knowing the facts of the matter.
All promotion, all publicity, all propaganda will lose influence.
An individual can not and will not be deceived.
He cannot be exploited.
He cannot in any way be prevented from knowing the truth about how other people feel about him.
Nor can he prevent other people from knowing how he feels about them."

Manly P. Hall

We already know and can see how the extension of a single sensory perception can completely overwhelm the whole pattern of modern society, forcing it into entirely different direction!

With full ESP awakened in every single individual the world would not need lawyers, advertisers, bankers, insurance agents, police, army, salesmen and psychiatrists!

Related earlier post:

Monday, November 08, 2010

Advertising and creating fake news.

I reckon as more consumers build mental firewalls against obvious advertising (classical formats), the future will tilt more towards less obvious ads like the one above, masquerading as a piece of news: