Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2011

Competition in The Golden Age

I think when it comes to human consciousness, competition, as a prime principle of human evolution, is hugely overrated. This mantra might be true for semi-conscious forms of life like animals for example, but could be quite detrimental for a more advanced beings like humans.
According to this paradigm mantra - if you don't compete, you don't survive. And to survive one needs power and money. So, most people go to work to survive.

As we evolve towards a more enlightened paradigm of being (The Golden Age) this 'compete-or-no-respect' ideology  is steadily crumbling away.  I believe that in the near future the prime motivation to go to work will not be money or power over other human beings, but opportunity for self-realization and earned respect from others.

I believe that people don't have to compete in order to better themselves or come up with great ideas. In fact, it has been proven already that competition doesn't automatically facilitate more creativity or lead to better ideas.

Science journalist Jonah Lehrer, referencing a landmark neuroscience study on brain activity during innovation, writes:

“The relaxation phase is crucial. That’s why so many insights happen during warm showers. … One of the surprising lessons of this research is that trying to force an insight can actually prevent the insight.”

In fact the greatest discoveries in human history were not motivated by monetary rewards, but for the love of doing the 'job'. (Gutenberg, Einstein, Eddison, young Bill Gates, founders of Youtube,....... On the other hand Mark Zuckerberg, who apparently stole the great idea , had different motivations ( read here )

So, it's not the competition that drives people to have great ideas, but loving what you do and self-respect. These are the real value currencies, not money and power. (In the Golden Age the idea of having power over other human being would seem as abhorring as cannibalism in today's society.)

To sum up, the nature of competition is to produce quantity, but not necessarily quality. In The Golden age quality is everything.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Monday, June 01, 2009

Idea: Money of the future

In the future we shall have different money currency from what we are having now.
And it won’t be Euro or Dollar or Gold or any other currency attached to a solid object. I believe that the future money currency will be ENERGY. Why? Because everything is energy. And energy is everything. Our future “money” will resemble a system of energy circulation in nature with the same principle applied to our society.

Our future money won’t have a fixed physical property, like coins or banknotes. It will be pure energy, perhaps digitally encoded and divided into special currency units and it could be called something like Energy Currency Unit (ECU), or Chi, or else.

This energy based currency has a big advantage over "normal" money. Money has to be constantly reprinted to control it’s value. Energy, on the other hand, we cannot artificially create nor can we physically destroy it. We can only manage it or transform from one state to another, i.e. kinetic energy into physical energy, etc. Money is abstract and relative. Energy is concrete and permanent. So, a money system that is based on energy principle is a naturally sustainable system (which goes well with the growing in popularity idea of resource economy!).

Another major difference of ECU-Chi currency over Euro, Dollar, etc is that it opens up totally new ways how to earn and manage your energy-money.

Here’s an example: Say you are broke and need some money. With present money system you are obviously not allowed to print some for yourself but have to do some specialized work in order to be paid. In the future you can “make” your own ECUs using your natural resources. Or in other words you can convert one type of energy into ECU-Chi using special “energy converters” (a special technology that would allow us to recycle all sorts of energy and store it). For instance, personal e-converters would be able to transform ordinary physical energy into a specially encoded kinetic type sort of energy to be stored there in ECU-Chi format. When it is full you can transfer your “money” into you bank account or charge up your shopping paycard.
So, if you are stuck with no money you can always have an option to top up you account by converting your own physical energy into "money". Say, a few hours of dancing would produce energy worth approximately 1 ECU-Chi. If you are fit you can make quite a bit of “pocket money”. When everybody can “sweat out” instant money at will, it would make the current concept of unemployment not quite the same. Moreover – there will be less fat people!

Of course we already have examples of this technology trend – night clubs with energy storing floors, gym machines to charge batteries, etc. All this technology eventually will go personal (like computers and cell phones). When this happens, we can expect a radical shift from traditional money value system towards more sustainable and liberating future.

Here are some positive things to expect out of it:

There will be less crime!
There won’t be starving people!
And there won’t be any more credit crunches either!