Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Big Bang Theory on coffee stained t-shirt

Big Bang is an instance of appearance of visual phenomena of the Universe.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Theory: Evolution of Soul

Description of the visual:

Each triangle represents one entity, here a soul.
Horizontal axis represents Time, vertical axis - Space.  

Letters represent individual 'souls'. 
Numbers represent levels of density of Time, or levels of existence.

The lower level shapes are fragmentations of the higher level shapes..

For example, imagine level 1 as a level of our existence with 7 human souls represented as individual letters.  As these souls evolve to a higher level, they become bigger and more complex, i.e. 2ABC triangle is a sum of A,B,C units and shares 'C' with 2CDE which in turn shares 'E' with 2EFG, and so on. In other words they become more in common.

On the top level all individual units become One. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Big Bang theory ft. Ouroboros

The problem of conventional scientists to explain the origin of Big Bang seems to me quite obvious - they miss a spiritual element in their equations.

This is how I see the cause and origin of Big Bang:


I see the Attractor (Cause) being similar to Black Worm. Its head is in the Invisible World and its tail in the Visible World. The Worm 'spits out' the idea of a Universe, the idea penetrates the 'veil' and appears in the visible world as a dot. This is the instance of Big Bang and beginning of the visible phenomena of the idea. The universe is 'pushed' from the Invisible world, in the Visible world it is 'pulled' back to the original source - the mysterious Cause-Attractor, which is the magnetically charged tail ( back side) of the Worm.

As the visible Universe is getting closer to the tail of the Worm it accelerates, until eventually it reaches its Cause and flips back into the Invisible world towards the other side of the Worm. ('Head' and 'Tail' are opposite sides of the Black Worm which has a shape of a doughnut.)
In philosophy the Black Worm is referred as Nous (Universal Mind). In ancient mysticism it was pictured as Ouroboros.

Back in the Invisible 'brain' of the Ouroboros the Universe is being 'copied' in the Mind (memory), 'enriched' with a memory of a previous incident (cycle) and propelled further down the line to make a new cycle of its perpetual evolution.

The Black Worm evolves itself by following the same circular pattern through the body ('head' and 'tail') of its own Creator - a superior Cause.

I will expand this idea in my new upcoming book.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Long Hair Hypothesis

"Hair is the pranic antenna. It is energy, pure protein.” Yogi Bhajan

According to ancient wisdom our hair is directly related to pineal gland. The pineal gland is responsible for our DNA system. It is referred to as being the seat of the Soul or the seat of consciousness.

From these one can further extrapolate that people with long hair (longer antennas) are likely to be more sensitive to changes in the environment and cosmic radiation of consciousness. People with long hair are also more comfortable with ASC (Alternative States of Consciousness) and less susceptible to mind control and violence.

Conclusion: Why shave?

p.s. a new campaign for Vidal Sassoon, perhaps? ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

On mushrooms

As a tree grows old it accumulates fungus. Fungus controls deterioration of the tree’s tissue. It is possible to imagine that fungus is a program that is written by non humans (fungus comes from space with cosmic dust). Human body also carries fungus that controls metabolism and aging process. The key to prolonging human life is the fungus. Sooner or later we have to realize it. Now, how does earth fungus get cosmic program updates? Through cosmic radiation. Today we have dramatic increase of electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun (sun spots). But also all other planets in our galaxy get more radio active. Our bodily fungus is a transmitter/receiver of cosmic radiation that hacks into our DNA and re-edits the code. There is evidence to suggest that fungus has been a catalyst of ape to human consciousness. We can also assume that the ongoing cosmic processes directly relates to our emotional states of being.