Showing posts with label conflict solution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conflict solution. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Idea: Magicians vs The Wall of Gaza

A viral documentary featuring most famous magicians from all over the world trying to make the wall of Gaza to disappear.

The video would show pagan priests, amazonian shamans, indian gurus, etc. performing their native rituals, spells and magickal ceremonies to help solving the problem where diplomacy failed.

maybe even a movie where Harry tackles the real life evils?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Idea: Online games for real life causes

Here's an idea that brings a new meaning to multiplayer war games:
To educate the players about real life political views of both conflicting sides and let them decide which cause they want to fight for.

The game emulates the real life conflict conditions in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Military and diplomatic actions are played in real time by players from different countries in the world.

How it works:

1. The player joins the army after reading statestments from both warring sides of the conflict.
2. After joining the army the player can choose to participate as a "diplomat" (to work on diplomatic strategies and solutions) , as a "warrior" (to fight in battlefield) or as a "journalist" (to witness the events and to report about them on blogs and social networks).
3. Battles are set daily at fixed time.
4. The army that wins most battlefields gets the highest score.
5. The army's diplomats can use the scores as leverage in negotiations with the opposite army.

The ultimate goal of the game is to achive political status quo and bring peace to the region.

Military and political strategies can be discussed and decided by players on special forums and social networks.
War reports are sent around the clock via sms, adding reality. For example:

Palestinian army successfully liberated North of West Gaza.

Sergeant X was killed yesterday in Romalla.

X was graded up as a captain.

X was graded up as chief reporter.

A piramid scheme network:

The player can grade up in the army by recruiting friends as downline "warriors". The same grading principle applies for "diplomats" and "reporters".

Best strategies and tactics from the game will be analized and suggested for possible application in analog world.

All in all, it would be interesting to see if the crowd wisdom can beat real life politicians and generals.

this could be a cool project for private gaming companies like Kuma Games.

This idea was inspired by the following viral campaign for a snack brand. They created 2 armies devided by the taste preferences of two different flavours of the snack.
The armies fought eachother using mobile phones technology.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Idea: How to end the war in the Middle East

Israel had wars with its neighbours in the Middle East since the foundation of the state more than 50 years ago. Diplomacy has failed to solve the conflict. Military actions didn't help it either. Maybe this is THE SOLUTION? ;)

Middle East Peace Proposal from xgeronimo on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Golan Heights Peace Solution?

Golan Heights Peace Solution from xgeronimo on Vimeo.

i wonder why wont they do it?

but then again, if you are into conspiracy theories you might think: I know why, because the agenda of this conflict is not to make peace, but to profit from the conflict!