Showing posts with label social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

idea: Facebook of the future

what if Facebook develops technology that allows people to share their pictures with aliens, i.e. by encoding images into radiowaves and blasting them into outer space? (with embedded 'like' button of course)

inspired by this article:

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Alt idea: Measures of Happiness

I really like the idea of measuring happiness across countries in an attempt to spark interest in using the emotion as metric for public policy. Here's an article about NYU's graduate student who set about baking the happy Index into cupcakes:

What i don't like is the medium chosen as it doesn't accurately reflect the country's data.

A better way to conduct the experiment would be to use a special app that would allow people to rate their daily moods using their mobile phones, i.e. sliding a bar between "plus" and "minus".

The ratings then would be automatically uploaded to a special website where the data is analysed and displayed in a personal timeline (a graph). Also, people could enter tags and upload pics. When online they can easily access any day of their life by simply clicking on the graph.

The app should be freely available in every country of the world.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

From Nobel to Flamel

A headline I'd like to see in the near future:

In an effort to promote unselfish human gene, a secret society of alchemists openly admits its possession of Life Elixir - a substance with  mystical powers to induce immortality.

The society firmly states that Elixir of Life will never be offered for sale,  but instead given for free to the most unselfish people of the world,  for example, to publicly nominated candidates at a special annual Unselfish Gene Flamel Prize event, named after the acclaimed medieval alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

Flamel Prize. 
Unselfish people deserve to live longer.

Random fish experiment

What would happen if we take 3 common types of fish, put them in 3 different aquariums interconnected by tubes and introduce a border control?


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Social Media Marketing "creative" contest scheme

That's roughly how it goes:

A brand posts online a brief with a reward for best idea (a tiny tiny fraction of what a professional ad agency would ask) and invites everybody to participate. Soon it receive hundreds of submissions from the general public participants attracted by the reward. Next step: they rate each others ideas (usually the most conventional ideas are most popular!), then the brand's jury makes its pick (usually the most popular ideas - not to upset the public!) and the winner gets his or her bounty.

Now, what happens to the rest of submissions? Here's the clever part:
They get further promotion for free by their authors as their personal creative endeavors across many other channels of social media, i.e. 'hey, check out my idea' on Tweeter, FB, Youtube, personal websites, etc. And for the brand it doesn’t really matter whether these ideas are crap or not. The most important – they keep the brand’s visibility.

So, for a price of a bicycle (or so) the brand kills 2 birds at the same time – generation of content (within the contest) and continuous promotion of the content free of charge by the same public across their personal channels afterwards. Here’s an example of a crappy idea with 936 views on Youtube.

It seems to me that when it comes to social media engagement, quality of ideas (originality, innovation, etc.) is not a priory. What really matters here is the quantity of ideas and their perpetual and free promotion on the web by the authors themselves.

Imho, I don't see this model of social marketing as a long runner.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Idea: Anti Crisis collective brand

Followed by home made clothes, tools, etc.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Idea: Future of European Union

Problem: Collapse of the current political, social and economic structure of European Union.

Solution: To allow citizens of Europe to choose what political and economic society they prefer to live, according to their values and principles. i.e.:

1. CAPITALISTAN: for people who enjoy working hard and make lots of money.
2. SOCIALISTAN: for people who like to live in a 'nanny' state.
3. TRIBALISTAN: for people who reject all of the above, reject consumerism and governmental control, prefer to live in small sustainable communities, independent and self-governing.

The future EU won't have countries but will be divided on 3 main society zones based on alternative political and economic values.

All 3 society zones will have an agreement of no expansion or interference with each other. Each model will have a sovereign control over its natural resources. Trading of land and natural resources between the zones will be restricted. For example, Capitalistan won't be able to use in any way natural resources of Tribalistan. And 'entrepreneurs' from Tribalistan won't be able to sell it.

To ensure that the equilibrium between the societies is not tipped by one or another society-model, a special UN of Europe will be established. Its task will be to keep political forces of each society from interfering into internal matters of each other,i.e. waging wars, slander, etc.

In my opinion, the future of each society zone will be determined by free and unrestricted migration of populace. To join a system would require to sign a legal contract (responsibilities and rights). Contracts can be permanent or temporary.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mother shows she cares in a refreshing way

A few years back I suggested my former boss an idea to send our agency team with humanitarian help to Palestine. The plan was to arrive on trucks loaded with humanitarian kits donated by the agency clients and the agency itself.
He seemed to like the idea but wasn't quite convinced that this is a thing for an ad agency to do.

But attitudes change. Mother just has set up an example of an ad agency getting directly involved in social issues by sending its agency team to South Africa... to help communities to build a permanent football pitch, a community center and a day-care center, as well as funding school meals and setting up a program with Dell to provide computers for schools. Great move. More here.

Robert on stupidity and acceleration of consciousness

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Idea: Temporary “friend list” swapping on Facebook.

Imagine you have an opportunity to find yourself surrounded by complete strangers and see how they interact, their interests… and maybe if you like someone you can invite them into your own circle of friends!

i.e. You have 150 friends. For 1 day your list can be swapped for 150 random strangers. If you have only 30 friends, you get 30 strangers.

This idea probably needs to be done with cooperation of Facebook, which is most likely because this project promotes more connectivity within the social network.

Idea: FB Fantasy Friends

Why not develop a widget that would allow to create personal fantasy friends list? Or people you really admire and wish to become friends with?

Here's my personal FFB list:

Friday, November 27, 2009

Idea: video highlights widget


When friends send us video links, why do we have to waste time watching a whole video clip when only a few parts of the video maybe interesting?


Why not develop a special widget that would allow us to select the best parts of the video and send our friends just these selected parts of the clip?

Below are some examples of potential sponsors:

the idea would also work for a juice brand:

... or newspaper with "no frills" approach:

translation of Bild newspaper slogan: Who has important things to say makes no long sentences. This applies to video as well.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Politics and social media

The end of top-down control of news is changing the nature of politics.

Monday, June 15, 2009

United by trivia.

i don't know, maybe it's just me.. but after spending some time out of the system you come back to civilization and look at things afresh... and you see rather psychotic's what i mean:

Is the community really obsessed with such trivial bonding ...or is it some kind of conspiracy? )

A healthier option, perhaps:

Friday, June 12, 2009

Idea: LeBay is the new eBay

Strategic reasoning: In the time of recession people tend to buy less and share more. So why not to design a new product that would let people auction their items only for temporary use?
It’s like leasing meets ebay. Let’s call it LeBay for example:

As part of marketing strategy to launch the site we invite special celebrity guests to rent out some of their personal items to general public. The money raised from their rented out belongings will go to a charity of their choice. i.e. Madonna rents out her old sofa to support hungry children in Africa, or Ronaldo rents out his car to support decriminalization of marijuana, whatever.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Idea: A solution to Indian garbage problem.

There are two main problems in India: Poverty and street garbage. Here's a suggestion how one might tackle them:

The Indian government should involve street roaming beggars to help clean the country.

Why not to organize this army of free roaming shudras and pay them few rupees for collecting empty plastic bottles, bags and all sorts of discarded wrappings? It would be much cheaper than hiring special cleaning services and help millions of shudras (untouchables) to earn a small regular income. Say 1 kilo of rubbish for 10 rupees. (So that the next time a beggar approaches me with a stretched out hand, I could point to that rubbish he’s treading on!)

Here’s another point why street begging should be dealt with: begging is a profession in India and is controlled by slum mafia. Often young children are being deliberately mutilated to set them up "professionally".
I was often told by my Indian friends not to encourage this horrible industry by just handing out them money, but rather buy them some food. (Many of them refuse food and demand only money!)

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Village Petstore and Chargoal Grill

Eschewing his characteristic rat murals for the project, Banksy has created The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill, a showcase of animatronic foodstuffs, packaged meat products, pet supplies and a monkey watching Discovery Channel primate porn surrounded by ravaged pizza, an empty pack of Marlboro Lights and a crushed can of Bud. The monkey breathes, scratches himself and follows the action onscreen with his eyes, with a discarded National Geographic in reach:

A pearls-wearing bunny applies make-up and wiggles its nose at a medium rodent-sized vanity:

witty socio critique...

Monday, September 08, 2008

Idea: Online games for real life causes

Here's an idea that brings a new meaning to multiplayer war games:
To educate the players about real life political views of both conflicting sides and let them decide which cause they want to fight for.

The game emulates the real life conflict conditions in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Military and diplomatic actions are played in real time by players from different countries in the world.

How it works:

1. The player joins the army after reading statestments from both warring sides of the conflict.
2. After joining the army the player can choose to participate as a "diplomat" (to work on diplomatic strategies and solutions) , as a "warrior" (to fight in battlefield) or as a "journalist" (to witness the events and to report about them on blogs and social networks).
3. Battles are set daily at fixed time.
4. The army that wins most battlefields gets the highest score.
5. The army's diplomats can use the scores as leverage in negotiations with the opposite army.

The ultimate goal of the game is to achive political status quo and bring peace to the region.

Military and political strategies can be discussed and decided by players on special forums and social networks.
War reports are sent around the clock via sms, adding reality. For example:

Palestinian army successfully liberated North of West Gaza.

Sergeant X was killed yesterday in Romalla.

X was graded up as a captain.

X was graded up as chief reporter.

A piramid scheme network:

The player can grade up in the army by recruiting friends as downline "warriors". The same grading principle applies for "diplomats" and "reporters".

Best strategies and tactics from the game will be analized and suggested for possible application in analog world.

All in all, it would be interesting to see if the crowd wisdom can beat real life politicians and generals.

this could be a cool project for private gaming companies like Kuma Games.

This idea was inspired by the following viral campaign for a snack brand. They created 2 armies devided by the taste preferences of two different flavours of the snack.
The armies fought eachother using mobile phones technology.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Idea: News on the news

We all know that different news media push different political agendas. Why not to create a news channel that would make it even more obvious? Let's say a daily (or weekly) "news on the news" tv channel (or a web portal!) that would tell us how most popular news media covers the most important daily world news .
For example, if the news are about the conflict in the middle east, the presenter of News on News tells us what FOX, CNN or Aljazeera reported about it (i.e. what part of the story is emphasized, what are the political accents, what part of the story are not reported, if there are any other differences of the coverage, etc.)

The benefit for the general public: it will not only provide a more objective picture of the world news, but will also make news media manupulation more transparent for the viewer.

Below are some visual moods of the idea:

Related idea from my previous post: Good News vs Bad News