Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shopping won't save the forest!

kinda funny video ... but i don't buy it

Friday, June 29, 2012

Coincidence or not?

This idea apparently has won Bronze Lion @ Cannes this year. It was submitted by DDB BRASIL São Paulo. What's curious is that I have posted an identical idea 2 years ago here on my blog.

 And here's a screenshot from my Google Analytics page that shows viewing traffic of my blog from  São Paulo:


Coincidence or not, you can make up your mind.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Crowd Wisdom doesn't work here. Why?

'Crowd wisdom' always tends to gravitate towards mediocre and safe. And this is by nature. Majority voting might be good for politics or solving communal issues, but it is quite useless when it comes to judging creativity and innovation.

Henry Ford once said about the value of marketing research: if I were to ask my future clients what they really wanted, they would have answered - faster horses!

In my opinion, 'creative' ideas that get the majority vote on 'public creativity' websites (such as Jovoto, My Pitch, Idea Bounty, etc.) are mostly dull and utterly conventional.

(Even public product innovation sites such as Kickstarter or Quirky fail to produce anything original or substantial, beyond ideas for new pen holders or mobile phone covers.)

Why? Good question.

Is it because the majority (by default!) consists of 'amateur creatives' who seek approval by faithfully imitating the 'professionals'? (And we know that the professional conventional advertising is mostly crap.)

Or is it because where there's a big crowd, there always comes element of politics into play?

Or maybe because these platforms aren't about innovation & creative ideas, but just another marketing 'public participation' tools to create 'followers'?

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

On popular culture and mental diet

“Observation of an action automatically triggers simulation of that action (in the mind of the observer)… Premotor cortical neurons fire during goal directed actions as well as during observation of similar actions.” Dr. Bruce Lipton, Biology of Perception.

Dr. Lipton is a leading human DNA expert who proves that perception creates reality, and not the other way around as conventional knowledge holds.

If observation of an act leads to internal simulation of it, wouldn’t it be fair to say that 45% of western populace (market share of violent movies) enjoy to abuse or to be abused at least in their minds? If people enjoy watching horror movies, what does it tell about their level of consciousness? Are they emotionally retarded? Are they in need to stimulate their emotionally starved and insipid lives? Why do they voluntarily take pleasure in watching suffering and pain? Are they evil, sick or just dim?

My point is this: many millions of people in the west every day voluntarily tune in to watch other people dying! Mainstream culture makes killing other people look frequent, natural and easy. Oversaturation of death entertainment reduces the sacredness of life to triviality and makes violence as mundane as yogurt.

Terrence McKenna once famously said: “culture is not your friend”. And mainstream culture it seems is only a friend for mentally and emotionally retarded. Why so? Because it is shallow, uninspiring and vain. Here some popular examples:

Eurosong contests (low common denomination type of music), soap (for mentally, emotionally unchallenged), celebs (for audiences with low self worth), big brother and american idol types (for want-to-be-celebs), horror movies (for emotionally starved), fashion (vanity rules), etc.
From this list one can conclude that mainstream culture is not only a breeding nest for mediocrity but also is a miss for human values like compassion, empathy and unselfish love.

Popular culture seems to be similar to junk food. Most of us know about the benefits of food diet and fewer about the importance of mental diet. Which means: Junk culture has an effect on our mind similar to the effect of junk food on our body.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Revew: Lies well told

Here are my thoughts I had when watching Spike Jonze's Twizzler commercial (above). I would like to present them in Enochian font:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rant: Why bother to pay for news?

i am subscribed to creativity online free (not spam free!) newsletter. they send me headlines of the news and if i want to read more, i click on the link that takes me to creativity online page... where i am greeted with a message that tells me that i have to pay to proceed further!

i.e. today in their newsletter they mentioned about a new mob app called Starling but wouldnt let me read about it on their page.
so i googled Starling and got tons of info on it: reviews, pics, videos, etc.
(in fact, i have to do this routine all the time!)

my point is:

Why bother with all this subscription paywall at all when it drives its potential readers to other (often better!) sources?

ok, i understand it might work with some sort of exclusive or special content ... but news in general can't be exclusive! And Creativity Online is just all about general news from ad and marketing industry and very little else. anything they report can be easily obtained for free elsewhere online.

... and then all these "only members can leave comments or rate" signs... that alone is so daft!

which brings me to a conclusion:

In the future the news would pay us to read their news!