Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Shamanic Fire Breath

technique to achieve altered state of consciousness, mild hallucination and to recharge personal electro-magnetic field. also useful to launch sigils.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Idea: mob app Soundville

Here's an idea for mobile app that can be called “Soundville”.

When you look at any object through the screen of a smart phone, these objects would start producing unique music. Each object is assigned an individual music note, i.e. a tree plays # Do, a house # C, a person # Sol Major or Minor), etc.
If you are looking at a picture that contains say 15 objects, they together will produce a self-harmonizing tune consisting of 15 individual sounds.
On the other hand if you point the camera on a single object, you will hear only one tune. Also, for instance, when you point at a tree and then quickly sweep across to a pond with a duck, you’ll hear the tree, the pond with a duck and everything else that was captured in between.

Concept: Skin patches to produce mouth flavour

A skin patch that produces taste in the mouth, i.e.: mint, lemon, barbeque, etc.

Use: wear the patch during meals to add flavour or between meals for refreshment.

Concept: Skin Gardens

In the future people will be growing food on their bodies.
The seeds of nano-food would be ‘planted’ by oral ingestion and following the natural cycles the harvest would grow on a chosen part of the human skin. The food would be consumed by simply scraping it off the skin and digesting it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alien Anonymous message to Hollywood

We, Alien Anonymous, are of the opinion that the way you portray us in your movies is daft and misleading. You portray us as 'bad guys' who want to destroy your civilization. You portray us combating your people with primitive technology of nuts and bolts, big guns and explosions!

We also feel that now is the time to educate you and your audience about the state of our technology and the level of consciousness we operate in:

1. Technology: if we wanted to conquer you, we would never combat you with guns and explosions, the technology that is obviously very detrimental to the environment. We would use much more advanced technology capable to manipulate your psyche and DNA which would make you unable to use your guns against us. We also have the ability to deactivate ALL of your 'high-tech' weaponry so that you won't be able to fire a single shot or launch a single rocket. Your planes wouldn't be able fly. Your generals and soldiers would be put 'asleep'. We hope you get the picture.

2. Consciousness: it is pretty naive on your part to assume that we operate on the same primitive level of consciousness as you humans do. You still use wars as means for solving problems. You still believe that banning something is going to make it disappear. You still use scarcity to generate profits. And we also understand that the way you portray us in your movies is merely a projection of your existential fears and insecurities.

3. Conclusion: Hollywood film makers! Fear not! We have watched you and your planet for many thousands of years and if we wanted to harm you, we could have done it many times. It is not our intention to conquer you or your planet. Why? Because having the luxury of being a step or two higher on the evolutionary ladder means we are more on the side of Love and further away from Fear.

We hope you find our feedback useful. We also hope it would encourage you to portray us more imaginatively!

In peace and light, Alien Anonymous.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Concept for magick phone

This concept phone is made from clay, powered by orgone technology (combination of crystals and metals inside) and uses Enochian alphabet to dial a spirit of choice. When connection is established the spirits talk through the mouth of the phone's 'face' directly into your ear.

Video demo comes soon.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Idea: Psy World Wide Web

The future of Internet?

The webs are created using 'right brain tech', which in my lexicon represents 'immaterial' or 'neurological' technologies where the brain is the only 'hardware' and mind is 'software'. Bio-chemical and shamanic in nature, these P2P networks won't need computers to connect to each other.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Idea: supermarket to adopt Like tagging in the store

Wouldn't it be great if supermarket customers could LikeTag their favourite products LIVE using their personal supermarket customer cards?

and why not also set up the supermarket's Facebook page where visitors can LikeTag the products online with immediate live updates offline - in the store?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Future of marketing

A thought has a mass that can be measured. In the future people’s thoughts can be detected and quantified by special sensors that would be embedded in the objects of observation, i.e. a billboard,video screen, etc. The length of the visual contact between the observer and the observed object will reveal the degree of interest and the nature of the observer’s response.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Motorbike anti-theft magick spell

spell programmed in january 2010 .
the bike was left parked on the street, invisible
for thieves during my 3 months absence from the country.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Idea: New Age Nokia

In the future Nokia develops technology to connect inner selves.
Here's a concept for a future ad:

Friday, March 26, 2010


Its quite common nowadays to see user generated ads for brands on social media.

Why not make product placement marketing in movies also interactive and open-source?

Imagine a movie website that offers premium movies for free online viewing in exchange for user created content that promotes a certain brand and placed in the movie as a bubble-thought or a bubble-speech.

Some censorship rules might apply to prevent abuse and to encourage "bubbles" that are most creative, original and funny

ALternatively, bubbles could be set as a default canvas for Google AdWords, etc. :

Bubbls are interactive layers on top of the movie that function as mini webs and are capable of streaming rich multimedia.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Idea: HoloSelf 1.0

Here's an idea for a future product: HoloSelf 1.0 - an intelligent interactive personal hologram.
You may want to hit the "pause" button during your viewing because some text charts are a bit too quick.

HoloSelf 2.0 version will be multiplay (allowing real time interaction between different holoselves.)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Idea: Instant Desktop File Previews

I don't consider myself an overly organised person and usually there is a lot of stuff scattered all over my desktop (usually for a quicker access later on). The problem is that current Windows XP operating system (I don't know about Vista though) doesn't give you much information when you roll a mouse over a particular file on your desktop. Here's an example as it is now:

So, wouldn't it be more convenient if it displayed an instant preview of the actual file? (similar to Snap Shots preview widget used in Wordpress). One could preview not only image files (jpeg, png, bmp, etc) but also all other possible formats like word docs, pdf, music files (audio preview), exel, etc.

Below are some examples of instant desktop previews of different file formats (click on image to enlarge):

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Idea: Good News vs Bad News (2)

Following my previous post, here's an idea for a news media channel that devides the news into two main categories - Bad News and Good News. Readers can decide what kind of news they want to read by clicking on the category buttons on the banner.

Below is an example for BBC:

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Idea: Good News vs Bad News

why not to create a special widget that would show a statistical balance between the bad and good news that are being broadcasted by most popular news media channels?

benefit # 1: you don't have to actually listen to the news media thus sparing yourself from the negative vibes... and still have a rough picture of the state of the world (besides you can always turn the sound on if you really need to know the details).

here's a video explaing how it might work:

benefit # 2: the widget will make it more obvious what kind of political agenda this news channel is pushing, i.e. being more (or less) negative about a particular news event in comparison to other news channels.


watch this video that shows the semantics war in news coverage:

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Why not create a watch that can tell us not only time but it's quality too?

This is a version of 4 basic emotional modules. Customers can choose how detailed their modules should be, i.e. more than four. The watch also has programmable alerting system.

(Inspired by beautifully designed Bell Ross watches)

The watch updates you on the quality of your time in real time.

Special sensors fitted on the back of the watch can analyse the basic bio-chemical processes of your body (temperature, pulse, moisture, etc.) and based on that data the watch can accurately show your current emotional state. It does so through the use of changing colours* on the display.**

* Colours vary depending on the intensity of each state.
** You have an option to temporarily disable the ambience display and switch to a neutral white colour look, but all the data will still be stored on a chip and all the time sequences can be re-played later. Or uploaded on a computer via wifi for a more detailed report and analysis.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tombstone Slideshow

Legacy slideshow on tombstones. Why not?

Relatives and friends can refresh their memories and strangers can get to know the highlights of the deceased person’s life.

A small weather protected LCD screen powered by solar batteries.

click on the pic to enlarge and see animation.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Idea: For discreet phone calls talk to Orange

Gone are the days when it was cool to be seen talking loud on a mobile phone in a public place. Now it is just annoying when you are forced to listen to people talking to their phones when you sit next to them on a tube, in a restaurant or standing in a supermarket's queue. And what about those who find themselves in a crowded place and would like to have a discreet phone talk? When you are stuck in a lift full of people even whispering wouldn't help. So why not to design a special mobile accessoire gadget that would solve this problem? For example, a special sound insulating cover for the mouth (like a small mouth mask). The mask will have a special wireless microphone connected to a mobile phone. It can be made from a soft jelly material that can be attached to the mouth of the speaker (principle of a suction cup or else).
Below is an example I used for Orange. (Just because I like oranges.)