Showing posts with label sigils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sigils. Show all posts

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Colourful automata

my recent automatic drawings, oil sticks and pen on paper

Thursday, November 08, 2012

2 step painting evolution

2 superimposed layers, acrylics on canvas, 1 x 1 meter

Monday, September 24, 2012

Automatic drawing and painting time-lapse

Automatic drawing is a drawing which is produced from a subconscious, and/or external and/or spiritual source without conscious awareness of the content. In this session I mix it with sigil magick.

The following video is a time-lapse of a ritual painting with the following stages:

1. Getting myself blindfolded and performing a shamanic spinning around dance to get myself into a state of trance (gnosis).
2. Starting to draw figures and shapes (still blindfolded) while mentally repeating my SOI (statement of intent) and letting my hand to move freely as it wishes.
3. When the drawing part is done, removing the mask and enhancing the lines (some didn't turn out very clear).
4. Colouring the shapes.

Soundtrack: Fluorescent Records, World View EP - River Gods

Monday, September 17, 2012

Overexposed + sigils

playing with overexposure, light, smoke and fire, ritual + sigils

more here

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Magickal Alphabet of Desire

Automatic drawing, 22 sigils, done using ‘light drawing’ technique of long exposure. How to do: 1. switch off lights and achieve gnosis, 2. focus on your SOI (statement of intent), 3. automatically draw a sigil with your camera pointing at a point of light (i used green LED light of my laptop) while chanting your desire.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Concept: Magick Maps

1. Map of inner alchemical magick, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis: Fire (instinctive nature) burns Water (emotional) to activate Air (mental) to manifest desire (expressed in the sigils)

2. Map of Sacred Union, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis: Sun and Moon, representing dualistic forces of nature, united to produce Life. The Sun stands for male, active, light, mental, electric. The moon stands for female, passive, water, emotions, magnetic.

3. Map of inner human cosmoses, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis: Cosmoses within a human body: Fire (cellular plane, red), Water (molecular plane, blue), Air (electronic plane, yellow), inside a physical body - Earth element (shape, black) and animated by the Spirit element (quantum plane, white). The visual is surrounded by corresponding Holy Names for each element.

4. Map of voodoo healing ritual, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis:  Shaman uses a voodoo doll representing a patient and is aided by a spiritual being, on his body is drawn the process and the desired outcome of the operation.

5. Map of contacting Holy Guardian Angel, acrylics on canvas, 112 x 86 cm
Vis: Magus in gnosis (trance) stands inside a magick circle and communicates with his HGA. In the circle we see his message to HGA written in magick alphabet.

6. Map of Mars and Venus, acrylics on canvas, 80 x 50 cm
Vis: Magus playing with the planetary spirits, with corresponding  planetary magick squares (cameas) and seals.

Original canvases and high quality prints available to buy at

Saturday, June 09, 2012


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Friday, January 06, 2012

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Magick tags

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Magick Alphabet of the Ancients

experiment with light glyphs superimposed on the skull of Anunaki

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Idea: Cell phone kaos magick

casting a sigil using samsung in a glass.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Advertising, Arts and Magick (Triad Sigil)

This is a sigil I have created recently to unite creative advertising, arts and magick in one harmonious triad. The symbol contains ancient mystic elements and numbers corresponding to the task.