Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2024

EUTOPIA: a creative proposal for hyper-democracy model of governance for the European Union.

1. Current Situation 

The European Union stands at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges in balancing economic growth, social equality, and ecological sustainability. Today, the traditional socio-political and economic system used by the EU resembles a fragile structure where all critical elements—people, economy, and environment—are in conflict. This approach, often referred to as "putting all the eggs in one basket," leaves the entire system vulnerable to collapse when economic, social, or environmental crises strike. 

The Eutopia concept offers a bold, futuristic alternative designed to replace this fragile model by introducing three distinct socio-economic platforms—Capitalistan, Socialistan, and Tribalistan—under one unified EU roof, giving citizens the freedom to choose the system that aligns with their values.

 Drawing inspiration from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s concept of fragility in his works “The Black Swan” and “Antifragile”, we see that systems which rely on a single mode of operation are inherently fragile and prone to catastrophic failure when faced with unpredictable shocks. Taleb argues that most modern systems, including our socio-economic models, are exposed to black swan events—unpredictable crises that can cause disproportionately negative outcomes. This is exactly the case in the current EU structure, where all sectors—economy, environment, and social policies—are tightly interconnected, making the system highly vulnerable to disruptions in any one area. A financial crisis, for instance, could trigger social unrest and environmental degradation, with no safeguards in place to contain the damage. 

 2. Introducing Eutopia concept 

Eutopia presents a solution to this fragility by introducing diversification into the socio-political structure of the EU. Instead of relying on a single system to manage all aspects of governance, it proposes a tripolar model where three socio-economic platforms operate independently within the same framework, without the need for compromise or consensus. Each platform is focused on a specific priority—Capitalistan on economic growth, Socialistan on social equality, and Tribalistan on ecological sustainability—allowing them to function optimally in their respective areas. By allowing these platforms to operate independently, the Eutopia model offers three critical advantages over the current system: 

 1. Anti-Fragility Through Diversification: Just as diversifying investments protects against financial risk, offering multiple governance platforms prevents the entire system from collapsing in the event of a crisis. If an economic downturn affects Capitalistan, the socially-focused and ecologically-focused platforms can continue to function effectively, mitigating the overall impact. This “three eggs in three different baskets” approach mirrors Taleb’s concept of anti-fragility, where a system becomes stronger by decentralizing its risks and buffering itself against shocks. 

 2. Citizen-Centric Flexibility: The Eutopia model empowers citizens by giving them a choice in how they want to be governed. Much like subscription plans, citizens can choose the socio-economic system that best reflects their values and needs. If someone prioritizes personal wealth and growth, they can opt for Capitalistan. Those who value equality and social security can choose Socialistan, while environmentally-conscious citizens can align with Tribalistan. This flexibility contrasts sharply with the existing one-size-fits-all governance model, which struggles to accommodate the diverse preferences of EU citizens. 

 3. Resilience and Adaptability: By allowing multiple systems to operate simultaneously, the Eutopia model fosters adaptability and experimentation. Each platform can tailor policies to specific challenges without compromising the integrity of the others. This enables the EU to develop new solutions more efficiently and to adapt to changing global conditions, such as environmental crises or technological disruptions. In Taleb’s terms, this tripolar system not only survives black swan events but can benefit from them by learning from each platform’s successes and failures. 

 Eutopia proposes a tripolar socio-economic system designed to overcome the fragility of the current system by introducing three distinct governance platforms. These platforms—Capitalistan, Socialistan, and Tribalistan—allow EU citizens to choose the socio-economic system that best aligns with their values and lifestyle, fostering greater resilience and adaptability. 

 3. Fundamental Differences Between the Platforms 

Capitalistan: Fast-Growth, Free-Market Economy 

Core Principle: Focus on economic growth and wealth creation through a free-market economy. Economic Model: Minimal government intervention. Market forces like supply and demand regulate production, investment, and prices. 
Trade-Offs: Capitalistan offers high economic growth and entrepreneurial freedom, but citizens face greater inequality and market risks, such as economic instability during downturns. 
Target Audience: Those who prioritize personal wealth, entrepreneurship, and a high-growth environment. 

Socialistan: Slow-Growth, Planned Economy 

Core Principle: Prioritizes social equality and welfare through a planned economy. 
Economic Model: Strong government intervention to ensure equitable distribution of wealth and resources. Welfare state with access to public services like healthcare, housing, and education. 
Trade-Offs: Citizens enjoy a high level of social security, but the trade-off is slower economic growth, higher taxes, and limited individual wealth accumulation. 
Target Audience: Those who value social justice, welfare programs, and income redistribution. 

Tribalistan: Zero-Growth, Sustainable Economy 

Core Principle: Focuses on ecological conservation and sustainable living through a zero-growth economy. 
Economic Model: Minimal resource extraction and consumption. Economic growth is sacrificed in favor of stability and environmental protection. 
Trade-Offs: Citizens contribute to ecological sustainability but must accept lower material wealth, minimal economic growth, and strict regulations on consumption and development. 
Target Audience: Those who prioritize environmental sustainability and are willing to make personal sacrifices to protect nature. 

4. How Eutopia Would Work

 a. Citizen Choice and Social Contracts 

Choice: EU citizens can choose between Capitalistan, Socialistan, or Tribalistan platforms based on their personal values and economic preferences. Each platform functions like a "subscription plan," with citizens signing a social contract that defines the taxes they will pay (membership fees) and the benefits they will receive. 

Flexibility: Citizens can switch platforms at the end of their contract period, providing flexibility to adjust to changing personal circumstances or preferences. 

 b. Independent Governance and Operation Independent Platforms: 

Each platform operates autonomously, governed independently and is focused on its specific priority (economic growth, social welfare, or ecological sustainability). The platforms coexist under the broader EU umbrella but functions without needing to compromise with one another. 

 c. Practical Implementation Eutopia Web Portal: 

A centralized platform that showcases the social contracts of each platform, allowing citizens to make informed choices about which governance system to join. 

Voting Campaign: The initial implementation could involve a voting campaign across the EU to gather data on citizens’ preferences for each platform. 

 AI-Powered Simulation: An AI-driven virtual simulation will regulate the interactions between the platforms, ensuring non-interference and conflict resolution. 

 Physical Zones: Over time, physical zones aligned with each platform’s values (economic zones for Capitalistan, social areas for Socialistan, eco-communes for Tribalistan) could be developed within existing national borders, creating a diverse yet unified European Union.


The Eutopia concept proposes a transformative model that redefines governance across national borders by offering citizens the freedom to choose from distinct socio-economic systems. Initially implemented through virtual platforms and later evolving into physical zones, this concept fosters a decentralized, resilient society where governance is flexible and citizens are empowered to select the rules and services that best reflect their values. The gradual transition to "interest borders" would mark the shift from traditional national boundaries to a more dynamic, interest-driven form of governance within the EU.


It would be a good idea to start with a virtual online game called "EUtopia" ( a prototype of the actual platform) which will give participants a general sense of the concept in a playful and interactive environment. tbc

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Idea: Future of European Union

Problem: Collapse of the current political, social and economic structure of European Union.

Solution: To allow citizens of Europe to choose what political and economic society they prefer to live, according to their values and principles. i.e.:

1. CAPITALISTAN: for people who enjoy working hard and make lots of money.
2. SOCIALISTAN: for people who like to live in a 'nanny' state.
3. TRIBALISTAN: for people who reject all of the above, reject consumerism and governmental control, prefer to live in small sustainable communities, independent and self-governing.

The future EU won't have countries but will be divided on 3 main society zones based on alternative political and economic values.

All 3 society zones will have an agreement of no expansion or interference with each other. Each model will have a sovereign control over its natural resources. Trading of land and natural resources between the zones will be restricted. For example, Capitalistan won't be able to use in any way natural resources of Tribalistan. And 'entrepreneurs' from Tribalistan won't be able to sell it.

To ensure that the equilibrium between the societies is not tipped by one or another society-model, a special UN of Europe will be established. Its task will be to keep political forces of each society from interfering into internal matters of each other,i.e. waging wars, slander, etc.

In my opinion, the future of each society zone will be determined by free and unrestricted migration of populace. To join a system would require to sign a legal contract (responsibilities and rights). Contracts can be permanent or temporary.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Love instead of Hate perhaps?

Below are images of The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe designed by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold. It consists of a 19,000 square metres (4.7 acres) site covered with 2,711 concrete slabs or "stelae", arranged in a grid pattern on a sloping field.
Building began on April 1, 2003 and was finished on December 15, 2004.

The memorial graveyard is situated right in the center of Berlin with a purpose to constantly remind the general public of the evil done to the jews during the war.

From architectural point of view the place is rather dull. Personally, I have nothing against jews, but I don't think it is good idea at all to have a graveyard right in the center of the city (even a symbolic one!). Moreover, I believe that it is detrimental to the city's health, both from spiritual view and a practical one, to have a negative 19,000 square spot in its heart. Nor do I believe that its place and purpose is justifiable in 2011.

Wouldn't it be healthier to use this space to build something that would promote Peace &Love instead of Fear & Hate?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Idea: Magicians vs The Wall of Gaza

A viral documentary featuring most famous magicians from all over the world trying to make the wall of Gaza to disappear.

The video would show pagan priests, amazonian shamans, indian gurus, etc. performing their native rituals, spells and magickal ceremonies to help solving the problem where diplomacy failed.

maybe even a movie where Harry tackles the real life evils?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Idea: Thai National Reconciliation Tee

Just returned from Bangkok. The country is divided between the poor north (red shirts) and bourgeois south (yellow shirts). The stand off is longer then 7 weeks.

It would be cool if tourists, in support for Thai national reconciliation, start wearing red-yello t-shirts!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get high on the facts

Marijuana Is Safer

i'd give it one year max until a full decriminalization of ganja in EU and North America starts.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Everything is OK

Danny and Charlie go out to St Paul's Cathedral, the London Stock Exchange, and the Bank of England spreading a universal message of peace and love.

Danny cheering up the miserable commuters on the Northern Line, London July 2009:

Idea: How to sell Swine Flu

This is in response to AdAge's post announcing that Government PSA Urges Americans to Get Swine-Flu Vaccine . Called "Together We Can All Fight the Flu," the campaign features seven 30-second TV commercials, three radio spots, online banner ads and outdoor ads that remind Americans of the importance of being vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus.

To be honest, it sucks. Not just creatively, but also strategically.

The campaign fails to solve the main problem - credibility issue. Everybody I know (including myself) believes that the whole swine flu propaganda is a political ploy which has been artificially hyped up to instill more fear in the populace. (Very similar to "war on terror" strategy.)

Here's a better idea how to sell swine flu:

Instead of showing sheeple bragging about being vaccinated why not show those unfortunate souls who already have been infected with the virus? I would like to hear them and not some actors on pay roll. Who are those victims that the government so desperately trying to make us believe are real and many?
According to the Centers for Disease control, 22 million Americans have been infected with swine flu, and nearly 4,000 have died from the H1N1 virus.

Better yet, the most convincing ad for me would the one that shows members of the government themselves taking the shots!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Politics and social media

The end of top-down control of news is changing the nature of politics.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Benjamin Fulford's vision of the future

Armed also with a contagiously optimistic vision of the future, Benjamin is fully prepared to be the next Finance Minister for Japan. His plans for how he would spend Japan's $5 trillion of foreign reserves to eliminate global poverty are plausible and inspiring as practical steps, way beyond rhetoric, to repair the generations of damage done by a ruthless ruling elite. This is a man with a deep understanding of both East and West, a global economic historian who thinks way outside of the box, a lover of peace who is unafraid to speak warrior words.

In this comprehensive three part video, the first two parts focus on global financial history and Benjamin's most interesting personal story leading up to his approach by the Ninja. The third part contains the details of The Ultimatum itself.

And his interview with David Rockefeller:

Friday, November 07, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Idea: International Vote of Sympathy (website)

I am not a US citizen, but if I had a chance (as an outsider) to cast my vote of sympathy - it would definately be the Doctor.

Then I thought, well... maybe it's not such a bad idea to set up a website that where people from all over the world could cast their VOTES OF SYMPATHY for the candidates of their choice. Obviously they won't be counted as "real" votes, but would provide a lot of insight into how people in different parts of the world feel/think about dofferent elections and their candidates..

Now, some critics of this idea may say that it's a private american issue, etc... BUT i wud say - not really. The US foreign policy of invading countries (under excuse of "preemptive strike") and muddling in foreign policies of other sovereign states in the last couple of decades made it a less private issue.

I also think that international community should cast their sympathy votes also during election times in France, Germany, Russia... etc. In short any country in the world where nataional / foreign policies have a significunt effect on the rest of the world.


RonPaul2008dotcomluv sent me email informing that such a website already exists:

thanx, RonPaul2008dotcomluv

New job for Wallstreet

seriously funny

Monday, September 08, 2008

Idea: Online games for real life causes

Here's an idea that brings a new meaning to multiplayer war games:
To educate the players about real life political views of both conflicting sides and let them decide which cause they want to fight for.

The game emulates the real life conflict conditions in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Military and diplomatic actions are played in real time by players from different countries in the world.

How it works:

1. The player joins the army after reading statestments from both warring sides of the conflict.
2. After joining the army the player can choose to participate as a "diplomat" (to work on diplomatic strategies and solutions) , as a "warrior" (to fight in battlefield) or as a "journalist" (to witness the events and to report about them on blogs and social networks).
3. Battles are set daily at fixed time.
4. The army that wins most battlefields gets the highest score.
5. The army's diplomats can use the scores as leverage in negotiations with the opposite army.

The ultimate goal of the game is to achive political status quo and bring peace to the region.

Military and political strategies can be discussed and decided by players on special forums and social networks.
War reports are sent around the clock via sms, adding reality. For example:

Palestinian army successfully liberated North of West Gaza.

Sergeant X was killed yesterday in Romalla.

X was graded up as a captain.

X was graded up as chief reporter.

A piramid scheme network:

The player can grade up in the army by recruiting friends as downline "warriors". The same grading principle applies for "diplomats" and "reporters".

Best strategies and tactics from the game will be analized and suggested for possible application in analog world.

All in all, it would be interesting to see if the crowd wisdom can beat real life politicians and generals.

this could be a cool project for private gaming companies like Kuma Games.

This idea was inspired by the following viral campaign for a snack brand. They created 2 armies devided by the taste preferences of two different flavours of the snack.
The armies fought eachother using mobile phones technology.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Here's a peaceful thought: Toys-R-Us supports "Troops Out of Iraq" campaign.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Idea: Election posters near graveyards

i just thought that putting strategical (temporary) election posters in the vicinity of graveyards of US soldiers who were killed in Vietnam or Iraq, would create a stronger impact to vote for political change.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Idea: News on the news

We all know that different news media push different political agendas. Why not to create a news channel that would make it even more obvious? Let's say a daily (or weekly) "news on the news" tv channel (or a web portal!) that would tell us how most popular news media covers the most important daily world news .
For example, if the news are about the conflict in the middle east, the presenter of News on News tells us what FOX, CNN or Aljazeera reported about it (i.e. what part of the story is emphasized, what are the political accents, what part of the story are not reported, if there are any other differences of the coverage, etc.)

The benefit for the general public: it will not only provide a more objective picture of the world news, but will also make news media manupulation more transparent for the viewer.

Below are some visual moods of the idea:

Related idea from my previous post: Good News vs Bad News

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Idea: Double monarchy in Russia (proposal)

Russian democracy is doing ok... but not as ok as it could. why? cos it's such a huge country with so many diverse cultures and interests... so in the end nobody is really 100% satisfied from the proccess of democratic decision making. So... oligarchs are ruling in modern russia.
besides (if you look from historical perspective) russia has been always more productive (from political and economic pov) when it had monarhy. so i thought, why not to combine both - democracy and monarchy - namely to have 2 monarchs instead of one?
they could compete with each other (just like political parties do)... and to be true to the cultural roots at the same time. (yes, russians always liked their monarchs, unlike the communist rulers)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Idea: How to end the war in the Middle East

Israel had wars with its neighbours in the Middle East since the foundation of the state more than 50 years ago. Diplomacy has failed to solve the conflict. Military actions didn't help it either. Maybe this is THE SOLUTION? ;)

Middle East Peace Proposal from xgeronimo on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Golan Heights Peace Solution?

Golan Heights Peace Solution from xgeronimo on Vimeo.

i wonder why wont they do it?

but then again, if you are into conspiracy theories you might think: I know why, because the agenda of this conflict is not to make peace, but to profit from the conflict!