Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

idea: Facebook of the future

what if Facebook develops technology that allows people to share their pictures with aliens, i.e. by encoding images into radiowaves and blasting them into outer space? (with embedded 'like' button of course)

inspired by this article:

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The future of science

At the moment we have a ‘real science’ distancing itself from what is called a ‘pseudo science’.
The former is mainstream and based on materialistic and mechanical understanding of the nature of reality. The latter is wider in its perceptions and holds more esoteric view on the nature of causality. Both seem to be mutually incompatible.

 On the other hand, both circles of scientific activity can be seen to have a symbiotic relationship. ‘Real’ and ‘pseudo’ compliment each other and are different degrees of a bigger or higher system of scientific thought. For example, ‘real’ science, just by its conforming qualities, motivates ‘pseudo’ scientists to work on alternative solutions. On the other hand, ‘pseudo’ scientists often influence and inspire the ‘real’ ones with ‘off the wall’ concepts. In short, both views need and feed off each other.

I see the future evolution of human science in reconciliation of ‘real’ and ‘pseudo’ for the common goal of higher truth. Just like a symbiotic relationship happening between humans and animals. Cats and dogs, for example, they give love and affection to the owner, and they get shelter, food and proper care. Therefore, both species have something to gain from this process.


The future of human sciences will be a cross-section of spiritual and material schools of thought. Self-restrictive dominance of materialistic view certainly will be dropped. All currently dismissed spiritual knowledge of humanity will be re-integrated in the system and become a valid data for further scientific research. (Note: they were not separated until 500 years ago or so.)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday, June 09, 2012

From Nobel to Flamel

A headline I'd like to see in the near future:

In an effort to promote unselfish human gene, a secret society of alchemists openly admits its possession of Life Elixir - a substance with  mystical powers to induce immortality.

The society firmly states that Elixir of Life will never be offered for sale,  but instead given for free to the most unselfish people of the world,  for example, to publicly nominated candidates at a special annual Unselfish Gene Flamel Prize event, named after the acclaimed medieval alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

Flamel Prize. 
Unselfish people deserve to live longer.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Concept: Future drugs

A selection of pills that change personal perception of reality and allows to see oneself from other person's point of view, i.e.:

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Post Modern Banking

At the moment banks make profit from playing with customer’s savings as well as charging them with different sorts of fees related to the accounts.
Thus bankers make a double-kill: they ‘milk’ people and the people’s money. This might be acceptable in the past but is increasingly seen as unethical and greedy. Especially in the light of Occupy Wall Street movement which sends a clear message: Greed is bad for business!

I’d like to see a bank with honest strategy: PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT. 

1. The bankers should realize that when customers give their money/savings to a bank, it’s the bank’s privilege and not the customer’s.

2. Practically it means that a bank should treat its private account holders as equal partners and make all their accounts activity absolutely FREE (no annual fees for credit cards, any money transactions or any other hidden or unhidden costs.)

3. The bank makes money only from outside business investments!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Concept: Skin patches to produce mouth flavour

A skin patch that produces taste in the mouth, i.e.: mint, lemon, barbeque, etc.

Use: wear the patch during meals to add flavour or between meals for refreshment.

Concept: Skin Gardens

In the future people will be growing food on their bodies.
The seeds of nano-food would be ‘planted’ by oral ingestion and following the natural cycles the harvest would grow on a chosen part of the human skin. The food would be consumed by simply scraping it off the skin and digesting it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Responsible Smoking vs Anti-Smoking


In the future people will recognize the harm being done to public health by ‘negative suggestion’ methods used in current anti-smoking campaigns. 

A new campaign ‘Smoke responsibly’ will be adopted as an official strategy. The strategy won’t be trying to scare the smokers but rather engage them in a dialog.

Monday, May 21, 2012

ads are ditched online

Adblock is a free app that gets rid of ads on the web now available at Chrome Web Store

Here's an identical idea I had 3 years ago  .... the widget offers to swap ads for kittens.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

21 century business mantra:


Saturday, September 03, 2011

Idea: Meme Syringe Gun

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The end of Commodity Age

Commodity paradigm is increasingly becoming obsolete.
The process of 'uncommodification' has already started with information.
ALL information wants to be free (of charge).
When this happens - uncommodification of physical stuff will follow.

Monday, August 15, 2011

On Noosphere, Mental Mutation and 2012

The term Noosphere was coined by Vladimir Vernadsky in the beginning of last century. Basically, it can be described as a planetary mental layer.

The affect of human thought on the planetary whole system is a sign of the commencement of the next major evolutionary shift, from the biosphere to the noosphere.

Evolution of Earth as whole system consists of five major subsystems:

1. Lithosphere, from crystal-magma iron core and the various mantels, up to and including the tectonic plates and land masses.

2. Hydrosphere – the unified ocean as well as lakes and river systems.

3. Athmosphere – the electrodynamic systems and cycles that determine and control the weather patterns, incl. of ionosphere and the electromagnetic fields.

4. Biosphere –life as a unitary phenomenon, the vitalization of matter, incl. of the inorganic cycles and systems which support it.

5. Noosphere – the planetary thinking layer – largely a function of the most recent biological stratum of the biosphere, the human. It includes conscious human and a superconscious superhuman evolutionary phase, and involves artificial middle term known as the technosphere, which is itself concluded by the information sheathe known as cybersphere.

In short, Noosphere is a deeply woven collective dream.

Noosphere accommodates all the planetary intelligence, it has everything to do with the quality and nature of our thoughts, and not just individually but about ourselves as a species.

As living substance, the biosphere maintains its balance as a biomass constant consisting of the symmetry of two forms of life: autotrophic and heterotrophic. Autotrophic – are those forms of living substance that are self sustaining, thriving on mineral, water, athmosphere and solar-cosmic radiation. – this is the green world, the plant kingdom in general, incl. the plankton and algae of the sea. Heterotrophs are the animals – from insects to humans – that live off other forms of life. Some heterotrophs are herbivores, some carnivores, some both. The point is that the biomass constant is maintained as an equilibrium of these two kinds of life.

The hypothesis of biosphere-noosphere transition: when in the process of the complexification of matter the biosphere reaches a point of maximum crisis – biochemical combustion – it mutates into a new condition, the noosphere.

As Noosphere refers to the planetarization of consciousness, a critical point in the transition to the noosphere is the consciousness of critical minority sufficient to engender, by their awareness and subsequent actions, the actual passage of the noosphere going from the individualized unconscious chaos of the technosphere to the incipient cosmic order of the noosphere as a conscious regulating mechanism.

Stages of Intelligent unfoldment in the Cosmic Evolution of Matter:

The tendency of matter is to develop in the direction of irreversible complexification and to ultimately evolve into the condition of cosmic consciousness. Within the planetary sphere the stages are:

1. Crystalization. Molecular compounds self-organized into strict sets of generally symmetrical/ geometrical form structures – cubes, octahedrons, hexagons… their combinations and clusters.

2. Vitalization. Stage where the complexification of matter experiences the capacity for autogenesis and self-replication. Engenders biospheric horizon.

3. Hominization. Stage where vitalized matter becomes vehicle of intelligence capable of sustaining consciousness. Engenders noosphere as unconscious planetary medium.

4. Superhominization. Stage where consciousness and intelligence attain planetarization or full noospheric consciousness and function.

The real cause of ‘Global Crisis’ and impending system shutdown:

Increasing solar (cosmic) radiation affects DNA structures of all living organisms on earth. What it means is that our reaction to the same events we had many times before is now radically different.

The advent of the noosphere is the mental mutation into a new cosmically generated holographic field fractal – one that will replace the current one.

All it would take for this to occur is a momentary break in the planetary electromagnetic field, i.e. polarshift on the earth or the sun’s polar magnetism (2012!?) In that momentary rapture of the terrestrial electromagnetic field, many negative conditioned beliefs (memories) could be erased or severily scrambled. A new operating holographic field fractal might be instantaneously set in place. Planetary upgrade will take place and a new wave of cosmic evolutionary intelligence would reveal itself. Because of their tendencies to endure and transcend, universally positive thought-forms would withstand the electromagnetic rapture to be retained in the fresh perceptual context or anticipation of something wondorous and new abou to unfold. The new collective hologram would seem like a fairy tale come true.

After that, there’s no coming back. Psychic totalisation and expansion of the mind into a field of universal telepathy would make wars and deception no longer be possible.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rambling about psychedelic future

From my POV the main reason why our society is so obsessed with material stuff is due to the lack of access to alternative holographic realities. We are imprisoned in one hologram. Only about 2% of the world population can break through despite massive efforts of mind-control from the ruling powers.

Deliberately making people afraid of experiencing parallel realities (ASC) and disencouraging scientists from serious research, the ruling powers keep their populations firmly ‘locked’ in material paradigm (hologram).

As soon as they stop ‘their war on drugs’, there will be a cultural explosion empowered by emergence of radically new technologies that will unlock human latent psychic abilities. The material paradigm won’t be dominant anymore. The society will become more happy and less greedy.

Idea: Psy World Wide Web

The future of Internet?

The webs are created using 'right brain tech', which in my lexicon represents 'immaterial' or 'neurological' technologies where the brain is the only 'hardware' and mind is 'software'. Bio-chemical and shamanic in nature, these P2P networks won't need computers to connect to each other.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Idea: Anti Crisis collective brand

Followed by home made clothes, tools, etc.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Idea: People launguge

A quote encoded in a special language where people represent words:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Idea: Magical initiation for an exclusive car

For an exclusive launch of a new super car, Mercedes Benz sets up a special magickal initiation ritual website.

Below is an example of a teaser print featuring a magick copy which customers will be able to understand once they pass the initiation process:

Below is a guideline of a traditional structure.