Showing posts with label posters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label posters. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2011

Idea: IKEA to introduce furniture for inner space

This is a futuristic concept for Ikea:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Magick RayBans

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Idea: Best tea deserves best water

A tea company sponsors a 3 part adventure documentary exploring the most remote and purest sources of water on earth, i.e. mountains, icebergs, etc.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Idea: New Age Nokia

In the future Nokia develops technology to connect inner selves.
Here's a concept for a future ad:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Idea: McPorn

Anti fast food guerilla project idea: large stickers over McDonald's outdoor ads featuring naked obese models:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Idea: A message from The Economist

Copy: Lose money. Or lose fear.

Friday, September 19, 2008

idea: User generated interactive billboard

Consumers decide what ads (brands) should be displayed on a giant digital city billboard.

click on the pic below to see animated version how it can look in real time:

It can work like this:

Members of the public can choose brand(s) from a list on a special website. For example, the more clicks (or votes) you contribute to your favourite brand, the longer the name of the brand stays on the digital billboard.

The comulative sum of the clicks can be monetized and shared between the contributors,
i.e. 1000 clicks = 10 hrs of display = 100$ (approx)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Here's a peaceful thought: Toys-R-Us supports "Troops Out of Iraq" campaign.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Idea: Election posters near graveyards

i just thought that putting strategical (temporary) election posters in the vicinity of graveyards of US soldiers who were killed in Vietnam or Iraq, would create a stronger impact to vote for political change.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Billboard Made of Money

The penny billboard was unveiled in London’s New Oxford Street to advertise the 769,500-pence starting price of the new Chevrolet Aveo.

The unique installation – made using over 20,000 pennies – only lasted 30 minutes as hundreds of opportunistic passers-by seized their moment to pick up a penny or two.

Chevrolet's Les Turton comments: “There has been some great car adverts before, but none that have stopped traffic and actually put money back into the motorist’s pocket so this is certainly a first,” said Les Turton of Chevrolet. “We’re glad we’ve topped up lots of people’s wallets, purses and, in some cases, rucksacks, but it would have been nice for the billboard to last a little longer than 30 minutes.”

see more pics here

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Examples of truely engaging advertising!

Another smartly mutilated billboard in Berlin mitte. Headline on the poster reads:

Never before the white was so red.

It looks like someone got on the scaffoldings behind the poster, cut it through and poured some red paint on the car.

Also a couple of days ago I was driving by a billboard ... the ad featured big packshot of Lucky Strikes cigarettes with some headline. What was really amusing - over the packshot someone thickly sprayed: Ich rauche joint! (I smoke joints!). I didn't have my camera then to take a snap, but when I returned the next day - the billboard was already replaced! That's German efficiency for you ;).

I wonder, as this anti-ads activism is growing (at least in the urban hipster areas for now) what are they going to do when it starts happening on a regular basis and everywhere? To place 24 hour police guards next to every billboard in the city? Or make less boring ads?

More examples:

Headline: Berlin is liquidly again! Tag: So what?

Headline: Everywhere free television! Tag: Distraction ("television" crossed out)

self congratulating poster: "We are the best electricity provider of 2008!"
crossed out and signed: "The client"

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Rolex about time

Slgan: When you think about time even a watch like Rolex appears insignificant.
(very small packshot)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Some film ideas

These are some film ideas that i eventually would like to write...

A film about an unusual serial killer.

A film about a broke writer who has an uncurable sickness and decides to freezes himself in the north pole ice. To make a compelling incentive for future generations to unfreeze him (and cure his sickness!) he writes a gripping book BUT with the last chapter missing... and attaches a special note (with a map where to find his body) asking to bring him back to life if they want the last chapter to be written.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I am lovin' it?

Here's some stuff from Rebelbaby who did some tagging in Busan, South Korea.
The MacDonalds ad - yes, I am lovin' it ;))

Monday, May 15, 2006

Obedient women in uniform

a spec idea... for Boss Classic