Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2009

Idea: LeBay is the new eBay

Strategic reasoning: In the time of recession people tend to buy less and share more. So why not to design a new product that would let people auction their items only for temporary use?
It’s like leasing meets ebay. Let’s call it LeBay for example:

As part of marketing strategy to launch the site we invite special celebrity guests to rent out some of their personal items to general public. The money raised from their rented out belongings will go to a charity of their choice. i.e. Madonna rents out her old sofa to support hungry children in Africa, or Ronaldo rents out his car to support decriminalization of marijuana, whatever.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

DMCA issue

yestarday youtube permanently disabled my account.
reason stated in email: violation of copyright (featuring snippets of some other film in my film). it was swift and without a warning! ... i can't loggin to check the video in question.

apparently those who flagged the video (MELA FILMS LLC) think that sharing some of their material (in a non-commercial use!) is not a good idea...

here's a great talk from Larry Lessig on how the law strangles creativity:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Idea: Spiritual Corporate Experiment

The objective:

To produce a special documentary series that studies the effects of business philanthropy on the businesses themselves.

The documentary, let's call it Spiritual Corporate Experiment for now, will aim to find tangible evidence that charity has a positive effect on business not only from the public relations perspective, but mainly on the spiritual economics levels. i.e. spiritual law of the universe - What you freely give away comes back to you manyfold (or for every dollar selfishlessly spent for the common good, the universe will definately return some form of goodness multiplied).

This is how we can structure the experiment:

1. We invite 10 leaders from corporate business communities to freely give away, let's say from 1 to 5 million dollars each for an immideate selfishless investment in a good cause. (It can be both private or corporate donation).

2. For the next 12 months* a group of researches from different disciplines will be closely monitoring and collecting evidence in support of the spiritual law at work. Analysis of the data, video footage, personal testimonials and commentaries from the brightest minds of different disciplines (quantum physicists, metaphysicists, phsycologists, economists, philosopers, etc.) to be featured in the final documentary series that will be produced after the completion of the 12 months period.

The research team will be looking for positive manifistations on:

a) organisation level: inside (culture, moral, loyalty, etc) and outside (sales, stocks, PR, etc)
b) personal level: professional (career, work relations, etc) and private (health, happiness, family, etc)

* - the project can have an open date, but we need to set a minimum, hence 12 months.

note: as voluntary contributions may vary (from 1 to 5 million dollars), this will be also considered in proportion with "goodness returned" and compared. Doing this experiment on a scientific level may reveal suprising insights!

To start this experiment we need to do:

1. Initial capital to kick-start the project. So I think we need a sponsor. I believe that BBC will be a good choice since they already producing Business Unusual programs and a lot of progressive stuff comes from them. On the other hand, it could be any progressive and open-minded sponsor. (Suggestions welcomed!)

2. To spread this idea as wide as possible to generate global attention. Via blogs, social networks and other channels simply to convey the message - we want this experiment to be done!


The benefits of this project:

1. For businesses involved - excellent PR
2. For businesses not involved - an example that "giving is good for business"
3. For the rest of us (the world) - a hope that capitalism can be more human ;)


for those of you who are not familiar with spiritual principles I talk about, click
on the following links to find out more:


The Law of Attraction

this is just a start, there's plenty of related information online about it.

the project is under development.

if you have any questions or would like to contribute / take part, pls don't hesitate to contact me.

Idea: ZenLotto - Everybody wins.

In the past you were what you owned. Now you are what you share. (see my previous post on Lovertising).
Why not to apply this principle to lottery as well?

the idea is that the jackpot winner always shares half of the winnings either with the rest of the players (they get 50% of their investment back)... or with a special fund (i.e. called ZenFund) that invests solely in projects of public interests, i.e. builds more city green zones, renovates old buildings, etc.

the decision with whom to share the jackpot is desided randomly, by the colour of the winning number, for example.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Idea: Special Thanksgiving Price

On Thanksgiving Day Zara fashion store sells its selected items not for money... but for customer's thanks. The dollar price has been converted into "Thanks" currency. For example, if the item costs 59 dollars, a customer has to say 59 times thanks at the cashpoint in order to have it. The "sale offer" is limited to 5 items per one person.

The campaign is designed to generate public awareness about the new Zara store.

Video with the customers storming the store will be coming soon ;)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Idea: Nike vs Adidas: 50/50 Special Edition

In a spirit of New Business Consciousness paradigm Nike and Addidas produce "joint venture" sneakers - 50/50 Special Edition. For example, the right side is Nike and the left - Adidas.

source link