Showing posts with label talismans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talismans. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Concept: Postcards as magick talismans

There are 7 cards. Each card is designed as a planetary talisman corresponding to a particular day of a week. Each talismanic card focuses on a particular spiritual force that, when ‘activated’, can help in achieving personal dreams and goals.

Concept of mandala design:

A sacred name of planetary intelligence is spun around with a precise number of divisions to create a dynamic ‘vortex’ with a centre. (example above: Moon mandala with 81 divisions.) A word placed in the centre of this vortex automatically acquires its dynamic properties.

Graphics of the talisman include:

1. Name and glyph of the planet.
2. Glyph of the intelligence.
3. Mandala of the intelligence’s glyph with corresponding number of divisions.
4. Sacred numbers corresponding to the planet.
5. Planetary seal.
6. Space inside the mandala to write your wish.

How to use talismanic cards:

1. Make a wish.
2. Choose a card with talismanic properties related to your wish. For example, Venus properties are helpful in matters of the heart; Mars is useful when you need aggressive energy boost; Mercury helps in matters of communication and business, and so on. (see the full list below)
3. Print the card and write a wish in the centre of mandala. 
4. Put the card in an envelope, write down your own postal address on it and post it to yourself on the day of the week corresponding to the card. For example, Moon is for Monday, Mars is for Tuesday, etc. (If your post office is not open on Sunday, just drop it in the letter box.) 
5. Once you receive your post card back, the talisman would be officially ‘activated’ on the date indicated on the post office stamp. 

Talismanic properties of the planets: 

1. Sunday. Ruled by intelligence of the Sun: Michael 
Helps in matters of: Intelligence, Healing, Motion, Loftiness, Fortune, Public reputation, Authority over the masses, Fatherhood, Friendship, Honors, Wisdom, Happiness and Purification. 

2. Monday. Ruled by intelligence of the Moon: Gabriel Helps in matters of: Instincts, Conception, Emotions, Marriage, Nurture, Motherhood, Dreams, Psychic Powers and Intuition. 

3. Tuesday. Ruled by intelligence of Mars: Camael Helps in matters of: Forcefulness, Vitality, Endurance, Aggression, Self-Defense, Power, Strength and Courage. 

4. Wednesday. Ruled by intelligence of Mercury: Raphael 
Helps in matters of: Intelligence, Communication, Business, Judgment, Travel, Skills, Memory, Transportation, Education and Arts. 

5. Thursday. Ruled by intelligence of Jupiter: Sachiel 
Helps in matters of: Expansiveness, Abundance, Luck, Wealth, Health, Honor, Wisdom, High Position and Authority. 

6. Friday. Ruled by intelligence of Venus: Anael 
Helps in matters of: Love, Pleasure, Beauty, Growth, Social Graces, Harmony, Emotions, Inspiration, Art and Friendship. 

7. Saturday. Ruled by intelligence of Saturn: Cassiel 
Helps in matters of: Responsibility, Patience, Steadfastness, Fate, Time, Limitations, Self-Control and Work.

The full set of cards here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Concept: Magick Maps

1. Map of inner alchemical magick, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis: Fire (instinctive nature) burns Water (emotional) to activate Air (mental) to manifest desire (expressed in the sigils)

2. Map of Sacred Union, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis: Sun and Moon, representing dualistic forces of nature, united to produce Life. The Sun stands for male, active, light, mental, electric. The moon stands for female, passive, water, emotions, magnetic.

3. Map of inner human cosmoses, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis: Cosmoses within a human body: Fire (cellular plane, red), Water (molecular plane, blue), Air (electronic plane, yellow), inside a physical body - Earth element (shape, black) and animated by the Spirit element (quantum plane, white). The visual is surrounded by corresponding Holy Names for each element.

4. Map of voodoo healing ritual, acrylics on canvas, 86 x 86 cm
Vis:  Shaman uses a voodoo doll representing a patient and is aided by a spiritual being, on his body is drawn the process and the desired outcome of the operation.

5. Map of contacting Holy Guardian Angel, acrylics on canvas, 112 x 86 cm
Vis: Magus in gnosis (trance) stands inside a magick circle and communicates with his HGA. In the circle we see his message to HGA written in magick alphabet.

6. Map of Mars and Venus, acrylics on canvas, 80 x 50 cm
Vis: Magus playing with the planetary spirits, with corresponding  planetary magick squares (cameas) and seals.

Original canvases and high quality prints available to buy at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dressing a stone

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Some of my recent talismans

Ready to be metaprogrammed for personal use. Cavities filled with 'programs' will be sealed.