Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How my mind works (hypothesis)

Contrary to what i have been taught that it's a human mind that generates ideas, i believe that in my case it can be the opposite: ideas come from afar and shape my mind.

This is roughly how it goes:

Ideas (data) come from a big suprafield >> enter my personal field of consciousness (the cloud of personal mental sensitivity that surrounds my brain) >> there they get meshed up in the resonance of my mind field which allows to create new patterns and sequences of the received data. As soon as the new information has been created in my mind, it gets 'sucked out' from my personal field back into the suprafield.

Foundation of the hypothesis:

Contrary to a popular belief that our universe is expanding by 'pushing' (explosion from within), there is a theory that argues that the universe is expanding by 'pulling' (implosion from without), in other words the universe is being pulled apart by an invisible force from without called Attractor (Black Hole). I believe that this is also true with all ideas (data). In other words, I am not 'pushing' ideas out, it is the suprafield's gravity (Mental attractor) that pulls ideas out of my mind.


Mental Black Hole shapes my ideas.

related post

Monday, August 15, 2011

On Noosphere, Mental Mutation and 2012

The term Noosphere was coined by Vladimir Vernadsky in the beginning of last century. Basically, it can be described as a planetary mental layer.

The affect of human thought on the planetary whole system is a sign of the commencement of the next major evolutionary shift, from the biosphere to the noosphere.

Evolution of Earth as whole system consists of five major subsystems:

1. Lithosphere, from crystal-magma iron core and the various mantels, up to and including the tectonic plates and land masses.

2. Hydrosphere – the unified ocean as well as lakes and river systems.

3. Athmosphere – the electrodynamic systems and cycles that determine and control the weather patterns, incl. of ionosphere and the electromagnetic fields.

4. Biosphere –life as a unitary phenomenon, the vitalization of matter, incl. of the inorganic cycles and systems which support it.

5. Noosphere – the planetary thinking layer – largely a function of the most recent biological stratum of the biosphere, the human. It includes conscious human and a superconscious superhuman evolutionary phase, and involves artificial middle term known as the technosphere, which is itself concluded by the information sheathe known as cybersphere.

In short, Noosphere is a deeply woven collective dream.

Noosphere accommodates all the planetary intelligence, it has everything to do with the quality and nature of our thoughts, and not just individually but about ourselves as a species.

As living substance, the biosphere maintains its balance as a biomass constant consisting of the symmetry of two forms of life: autotrophic and heterotrophic. Autotrophic – are those forms of living substance that are self sustaining, thriving on mineral, water, athmosphere and solar-cosmic radiation. – this is the green world, the plant kingdom in general, incl. the plankton and algae of the sea. Heterotrophs are the animals – from insects to humans – that live off other forms of life. Some heterotrophs are herbivores, some carnivores, some both. The point is that the biomass constant is maintained as an equilibrium of these two kinds of life.

The hypothesis of biosphere-noosphere transition: when in the process of the complexification of matter the biosphere reaches a point of maximum crisis – biochemical combustion – it mutates into a new condition, the noosphere.

As Noosphere refers to the planetarization of consciousness, a critical point in the transition to the noosphere is the consciousness of critical minority sufficient to engender, by their awareness and subsequent actions, the actual passage of the noosphere going from the individualized unconscious chaos of the technosphere to the incipient cosmic order of the noosphere as a conscious regulating mechanism.

Stages of Intelligent unfoldment in the Cosmic Evolution of Matter:

The tendency of matter is to develop in the direction of irreversible complexification and to ultimately evolve into the condition of cosmic consciousness. Within the planetary sphere the stages are:

1. Crystalization. Molecular compounds self-organized into strict sets of generally symmetrical/ geometrical form structures – cubes, octahedrons, hexagons… their combinations and clusters.

2. Vitalization. Stage where the complexification of matter experiences the capacity for autogenesis and self-replication. Engenders biospheric horizon.

3. Hominization. Stage where vitalized matter becomes vehicle of intelligence capable of sustaining consciousness. Engenders noosphere as unconscious planetary medium.

4. Superhominization. Stage where consciousness and intelligence attain planetarization or full noospheric consciousness and function.

The real cause of ‘Global Crisis’ and impending system shutdown:

Increasing solar (cosmic) radiation affects DNA structures of all living organisms on earth. What it means is that our reaction to the same events we had many times before is now radically different.

The advent of the noosphere is the mental mutation into a new cosmically generated holographic field fractal – one that will replace the current one.

All it would take for this to occur is a momentary break in the planetary electromagnetic field, i.e. polarshift on the earth or the sun’s polar magnetism (2012!?) In that momentary rapture of the terrestrial electromagnetic field, many negative conditioned beliefs (memories) could be erased or severily scrambled. A new operating holographic field fractal might be instantaneously set in place. Planetary upgrade will take place and a new wave of cosmic evolutionary intelligence would reveal itself. Because of their tendencies to endure and transcend, universally positive thought-forms would withstand the electromagnetic rapture to be retained in the fresh perceptual context or anticipation of something wondorous and new abou to unfold. The new collective hologram would seem like a fairy tale come true.

After that, there’s no coming back. Psychic totalisation and expansion of the mind into a field of universal telepathy would make wars and deception no longer be possible.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Some points on how to stimulate creativity

1. Inhibitory state of consciousness vs Excitatory state.

2. Excitatory is caused by new information stream.

3. To allow the stream into our psyche the Inhibitory must be deactivated.

4. It can be achieved by altering personal state of consciousness.

5. There are many different methods.

6. When Inhibitory dominates Excitatory, synopses of brain cortex become less fluidic and the person becomes more like a robot.

7. When Excitatory dominates, pineal gland is stimulated and the person becomes more free spirited.

8. Creativity is spirit that thrives on irrelevant streams of information.

9. Irrelevant is what is outside the 'Channel Normal'.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Age of Total Frankness might be next.

I believe it's very possible that during the major universal alignment, coming on 21 December 2012, the critical process of human DNA change will be triggered by powerful cosmic radiation reflected by the sun. The human species would suddenly acquire a psychic boost and be forced to live in the new brave world of total brutal frankness.

Social and Environmental impacts of mass telepathy.

Manly P. Hall on the next step of evolution of human consciousness:

"If a man acquires a full ESP:

He no longer will be able to keep a secret.
Nothing would happen without everyone knowing the facts of the matter.
All promotion, all publicity, all propaganda will lose influence.
An individual can not and will not be deceived.
He cannot be exploited.
He cannot in any way be prevented from knowing the truth about how other people feel about him.
Nor can he prevent other people from knowing how he feels about them."

Manly P. Hall

We already know and can see how the extension of a single sensory perception can completely overwhelm the whole pattern of modern society, forcing it into entirely different direction!

With full ESP awakened in every single individual the world would not need lawyers, advertisers, bankers, insurance agents, police, army, salesmen and psychiatrists!

Related earlier post:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010


"Of what use, then, is the divination performed by one who has not spiritual discernment? And can one expect to find spiritual discernment in the hack occultist who gives so much for half-a-crown, and so much more for ten shillings? Spiritual things are not done in this way." Dion Fortune

Following the idea about combining magick (right brain technology) and marketing (left brain technology) here's

what we think would be the most appropriate way to charge for such service:

In our magickal works we don’t offer a tariff based pricing as we believe it will be detrimental to the outcome. In order for magick to work a genuine “sacrifice” has to be made. The value of “sacrifice” is personal for each individual and has therefore to be determined by each individual client.

Let me explain what I mean by “sacrifice”. And here we aren’t talking necessarily about pagan blood letting or sacrificing virgins!

What we mean is: in order to achieve our desired (magickal) outcome the client has to cement his belief by offering something that is very dear to him in exchange, in a similar way to the ancient civilizations did when they were asking their gods for miracles. Very important, the sacrifice has to be very genuine otherwise it won’t work. Imagine the Egyptians trying to fob off their gods by sacrificing their sickly calf instead of their prized bull! They wouldn’t have done this because they knew it just wouldn’t have worked.

So in modern terms, a client has to personally determine his value of the outcome by asking this question:

How important is the success of the outcome for me?

When he can honestly answer this question it is for him to determine the monetary value of the service. So it can’t be emphasized enough that the importance of honest evaluation is paramount to obtaining positive results.

Using conventional pricing methods in magick doesn’t often yield the desired results. For two simple reasons:

1. Many people are excluded from benefiting from these types of treatments simply because the fixed prices are out of their reach.

2. Those who can simply afford it are unlikely to feel that they are making any kind of personal sacrifice because it is well within their price range and therefore undervalued (from their perspective).

Of course there will be a group in the middle whose personal evaluation would match the given price of the service but this definitely won’t be the majority.

This “personal sacrifice” price system (or magickal price) not only solves the so common problem of mistrust (profit above all!) but also promotes principles of personal responsibility and higher consciousness, both for practitioners and their clients.

Technically it would work in 2 simple steps:

1. A client reads and signs a copy of the contract that explains how to make a conscious personal “magickal” price.

2. When the “sacrifice” is submitted, the work begins.

Magickal price system is also suited for products and services that deal with spiritual healing, alternative therapies… or any other areas that require the client’s active psychic participation and a use of right brain technologies.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Mind vs Heart

The following map shows limitation of human mind in perception of the ultimate reality.
Higher knowledge of reality is achieved through integration of all the senses, i.e. 5 senses of the mind (which interpret material plane) and the 6th sense of the heart (which transcends the material).

Friday, November 07, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

George Lois on great and not-so-great creative ideas

Legendary magazine and advertising designer George Lois doesn't think much of Esquire's recent attempt to promote the battery-powered cover of its October issue as the start of a new age. He said as a former Esquire art director, he was "embarassed" by the "silly gimmick" that was not in keeping with the publication's stature.

and while i was on AdAge website this stupid ad was in front of my face... so i couldn't resist to comment on its lingo's the word "own" that set me off ;))

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random video of interest # 2

does is matter when others think u r not free when you think you r free?