Showing posts with label game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

tarot & psychokinesis

Ephranius Records: Intuitive dice game.

The aim of the game is to cast dice cubes of the same number, as many single number spreads as possible and without making 3 mistakes in a raw.

The first throw of the dice lets you choose the number to follow. For example, you cast three dice cubes and the result is 5, 5, 3. In this case it is easy – you choose number 5.
On the other hand if you get 5, 4, 3 (or any other combination with no repeating numbers), you have to pick a random number from you first cast, in this case either 5, 4 or 3.
Say, you have chosen 5. Your task now is to cast the two remaining dice to make a full spread of 5s: 5 -5 -5. So you pick up the other two dices (4 and 3) leaving the original 5 where it is.

Now you have 3 chances to cast number 5 with the rest of the two dices. If you make a mistake 3 times in a raw – you have lost the game. On the other hand, if you make one or two mistakes (no single 5s) but on the 3rd time you get a compound 5 (that is the sum of 2 dice equals number 5, i.e. 2 and 3, or 1 and 4) – it is not considered as a mistake and you automatically get 3 new chances.

Here are some examples:
1. you cast 1,2,3.
2. you choose 3.
3. you cast 1,4 - (1st mistake)
4. you cast 6,2 - (2nd mistake)
5. you cast 2,4 - (3rd mistake) - the end.

1. you cast 1,2,3.
2. you choose 3
3. you cast 1,5 - (1st mistake)
4. you cast 2,4 - (2nd mistake)
5. you cast 2,3 - (no mistake, you get 3 chances again)
6. you cast (now with a single dice!) 6 - (1st mistake)
7. you cast 3 – you won!

When you win the first spread, you write down your record on a piece of paper, i.e.: 333, and continue to play and add new successful spreads. The longer is your column, the better you are in the game.

Remember: each column of numbers is valid only if you never had 3 mistakes in a raw! The more you play the game, the better you become in influencing the dice with your will.

Once you become really good at it, you can use the successful spreads (recorded energy) to empower your mgckl ops.)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Idea: Parallel (game) universe experience

Problem: If you play a lot of video games and have thought that they are starting to look very similar, you are not alone. 'Threequels and sequels' - the latest games reviewed.

Solution: Why not set up a special online game platform where players of one game can temporarily find themselves in a parallel universe , i.e. a rival game?

Imagine you are playing 'Call of Duty' online and suddenly there's a 'glitch' and you are in the middle of 'Battlefield' and then, 10 min later, you find yourself fighting in 'Halo' and then back to where you started - 'Call of Duty'.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Idea: Climate Wars game

According to conspiracy theory H.A.A.R.P. (High Altitude Auroral Research Program) is developing weather manipulation technology capable creating earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis and other devastating natural phenomena that can be used as a secret military weapon. (Otherwise why the project is owned by US Military and is highly secretive?)

Why not design a strategy game that would popularize HAARP's science program as well as educate general public about the dangers involved should this technology be used as a weapon?

The game is a realistic simulation of earth environment that can be played online and allows to manipulate weather conditions of the planet thus creating floods, drafts, tornadoes and earthquakes. Apart from that players can apply mind control weapons by using real time sound waves to alter emotional states of their adversaries.
In the course of the game players would not only learn about the use of technology as a mighty weapon but also different survival strategies in dealing with consequences of various climate cataclysms, i.e. moving population to safe areas, building infrastructure, setting up rescue operations, etc.

General benefit of the game:

Making HAARP's technologies transparent (by introducing them to public awareness in an entertaining format) would make their military use in the real world more difficult. It would not only alert general public of the possibility and dangers of it's military use (and create more watchdogs groups) but also would stimulate development of its peaceful applications.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Idea: Obscure Mission Statement Puzzles

Why not add more interactive fun to boring corporate mission statements?

provided by

Monday, September 08, 2008

Idea: Online games for real life causes

Here's an idea that brings a new meaning to multiplayer war games:
To educate the players about real life political views of both conflicting sides and let them decide which cause they want to fight for.

The game emulates the real life conflict conditions in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Military and diplomatic actions are played in real time by players from different countries in the world.

How it works:

1. The player joins the army after reading statestments from both warring sides of the conflict.
2. After joining the army the player can choose to participate as a "diplomat" (to work on diplomatic strategies and solutions) , as a "warrior" (to fight in battlefield) or as a "journalist" (to witness the events and to report about them on blogs and social networks).
3. Battles are set daily at fixed time.
4. The army that wins most battlefields gets the highest score.
5. The army's diplomats can use the scores as leverage in negotiations with the opposite army.

The ultimate goal of the game is to achive political status quo and bring peace to the region.

Military and political strategies can be discussed and decided by players on special forums and social networks.
War reports are sent around the clock via sms, adding reality. For example:

Palestinian army successfully liberated North of West Gaza.

Sergeant X was killed yesterday in Romalla.

X was graded up as a captain.

X was graded up as chief reporter.

A piramid scheme network:

The player can grade up in the army by recruiting friends as downline "warriors". The same grading principle applies for "diplomats" and "reporters".

Best strategies and tactics from the game will be analized and suggested for possible application in analog world.

All in all, it would be interesting to see if the crowd wisdom can beat real life politicians and generals.

this could be a cool project for private gaming companies like Kuma Games.

This idea was inspired by the following viral campaign for a snack brand. They created 2 armies devided by the taste preferences of two different flavours of the snack.
The armies fought eachother using mobile phones technology.