Showing posts with label psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychology. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Some points on how to stimulate creativity

1. Inhibitory state of consciousness vs Excitatory state.

2. Excitatory is caused by new information stream.

3. To allow the stream into our psyche the Inhibitory must be deactivated.

4. It can be achieved by altering personal state of consciousness.

5. There are many different methods.

6. When Inhibitory dominates Excitatory, synopses of brain cortex become less fluidic and the person becomes more like a robot.

7. When Excitatory dominates, pineal gland is stimulated and the person becomes more free spirited.

8. Creativity is spirit that thrives on irrelevant streams of information.

9. Irrelevant is what is outside the 'Channel Normal'.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Idea: Personal development with magick

Welcome to God-Form Personality workshop.

We help our clients to improve their existing personality or develop an additional one through the use of ritual magick.

This is how it works:

In magick, the common way of utilizing the power of the gods is by putting them on, like a cloak or mantle, over the perceived self. This is called assuming the god-form and is a form of invocation.

If our client wishes to become more attractive, through this method he or she would partake in a ritual to take on the god-form of Apollo or Aphrodite, and view the world through the eyes of that lesser deity for a time. If done correctly and repeatedly, this would give our client great personal charm and beauty of a combined physical and psychic character. The hidden forces of beauty channeled through our client by the focusing lens of the god-form would transform the personality of that person by reaction and alter the physical body as well.

Beauty is inevitable. Its exact quality would depend on the assets and defects of our client, both physical and mental, for magic always seeks the easiest course to its objective. If our client were crippled or deformed, the beauty would take on a predominantly mental and emotional character. The physical handicap might become lessened through surgery or other treatment. Magick uses mundane means to reach its ends as readily as the more esoteric means. Magick makes no distinction between the physical and the psychic - these are human distinctions.

Another function of assuming a god-form is that it better enables our client to issue commands to the spirits and forces that fall under the rule of that god. In becoming Thor, for example, our client will command the storms; becoming Pan, he or she will rule the woodlands; becoming Neptune, the sea.

It is quite possible to assume a god-form of the opposite sex. Every human being has both masculine and feminine qualities, with one or the other in a dominant or active position. By assuming the god-form of the opposite sex, our client may learn a great deal of useful information about the other side of his or her nature, which is usually suppressed during ordinary consciousness.

Before undergoing the magick ritual, our client will be given a special knowledge of the basics of ritual working, the ability to compose a personal rite of invocation that is viable and a complete knowledge of the gods of mythology (their strengths and weaknesses, associated materials and colors, familiar animals, symbols, scents, etc.).

It is our strict policy to work only with the benevolent god-forms.

If you have any further questions with regard to personal development through magick, please feel free to call as any time.


Requests regarding using magick powers of ‘ungodly’ nature will be declined.