Showing posts with label psychedelic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychedelic. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Shamanic Fire Breath

technique to achieve altered state of consciousness, mild hallucination and to recharge personal electro-magnetic field. also useful to launch sigils.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shiva series

more here

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rambling about psychedelic future

From my POV the main reason why our society is so obsessed with material stuff is due to the lack of access to alternative holographic realities. We are imprisoned in one hologram. Only about 2% of the world population can break through despite massive efforts of mind-control from the ruling powers.

Deliberately making people afraid of experiencing parallel realities (ASC) and disencouraging scientists from serious research, the ruling powers keep their populations firmly ‘locked’ in material paradigm (hologram).

As soon as they stop ‘their war on drugs’, there will be a cultural explosion empowered by emergence of radically new technologies that will unlock human latent psychic abilities. The material paradigm won’t be dominant anymore. The society will become more happy and less greedy.

Idea: Psy World Wide Web

The future of Internet?

The webs are created using 'right brain tech', which in my lexicon represents 'immaterial' or 'neurological' technologies where the brain is the only 'hardware' and mind is 'software'. Bio-chemical and shamanic in nature, these P2P networks won't need computers to connect to each other.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Waking vs Dreaming

When in a dream state, our minds lose gravitational pull of the ego and can float to parallel worlds.

Entoptic Art

see also here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shamanic journey

time-lapse recording of hallucinogenic experiment
music: talamasca | tribal journey

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Some points on how to stimulate creativity

1. Inhibitory state of consciousness vs Excitatory state.

2. Excitatory is caused by new information stream.

3. To allow the stream into our psyche the Inhibitory must be deactivated.

4. It can be achieved by altering personal state of consciousness.

5. There are many different methods.

6. When Inhibitory dominates Excitatory, synopses of brain cortex become less fluidic and the person becomes more like a robot.

7. When Excitatory dominates, pineal gland is stimulated and the person becomes more free spirited.

8. Creativity is spirit that thrives on irrelevant streams of information.

9. Irrelevant is what is outside the 'Channel Normal'.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Transcendental Art : Entoptic forms

Conventional art is based on perception of outside world (material objects), whereas entoptic (or transcendental) art is generated by inner world (nervous system) and represents different types of subjective visual phenomena.

Entoptic art is psychosomatic in nature and comes out of oneself - namely from the psyche of participating observer.

Interestingly enough, the very first art form on the planet was ‘kick started’ by taking psychoactive ingredients in the diet of the first artists.

“Lewis-Williams and Dowson brought forward the original thesis that Paleolithic art is inspired by subjective visual phenomena, seen and depicted by shamans or spiritual men and women during altered states of consciousness.”

T. McKenna’s “Stoned Ape Theory” is also closely related to this entopic phenomena.

Entoptic forms are created (and perceived) by means of altering a state of consciousness of the observer. A good analogy would be a psychedelic drug. Another good example – a stroboscopic flicker device that produces visual stimuli in the mind of the observer. In other words, these art forms are created out of neurological makeup of the observer, inside the head, responding to external stimuli.

Since entoptic art is a self made, self generated type of art, it is relevant to mention: the better is the observer’s imagination; the richer is the art experience.

Entoptic phenomena is related to the ‘Observer’s Paradox’ principle from quantum physics. (It has been proven that conscious act of observation changes behavior of the observed object.) So, I assert that in entoptic trance observation equals creation.

As more people become interested in exploring personal psyche, ‘right brain’ technologies and gather more accurate understanding of how a human mind works – the creation of new diverse psychoactive stimuli will follow.

Just as with all thoughts and feelings of humankind, the original entoptic creations are stored in the planet’s noosphere (collective consciousness layer) and can be easily accessed through an appropriate stimuli. Note: stimuli dont have to be only psychoactive drugs, they can be physical devises like the dream machine lamp (mentioned above), sense deprivation tanks (Dr. Lilly's), holotropic breathwork, and other techniques to achieve alternative state of consciousness.
For example, famous shamanic paintings of Pablo Amaringo for me are just physical 3D ‘copies’ of the non-physical entopic art forms he mentally created/experienced with the help of ayahuasca stimuli.

Eventually, when the mainstream culture finally moves on from the current ‘material’ worldview paradigm to a more spiritual perception of reality (2012?), the notion of ‘art’ will also acquire a spiritually deeper meaning.

The new entoptic art paradigm will be mankind's rediscovery of the original psychedelic roots of art itself.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Astralia - the future travel agency.

click on the image to enlarge

actually i don't think it's a too crazy idea...(maybe a premature one thou)... but i am sure in the future the government's attitude towards psychedelic drugs will be different... the technology will make it safe to use and people will be free to explore the realms of alternative states of consciousness without fear and for the benefit of all. love & peace ;)