Showing posts with label metaphysics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metaphysics. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, August 03, 2012

Theory: Evolution of Soul

Description of the visual:

Each triangle represents one entity, here a soul.
Horizontal axis represents Time, vertical axis - Space.  

Letters represent individual 'souls'. 
Numbers represent levels of density of Time, or levels of existence.

The lower level shapes are fragmentations of the higher level shapes..

For example, imagine level 1 as a level of our existence with 7 human souls represented as individual letters.  As these souls evolve to a higher level, they become bigger and more complex, i.e. 2ABC triangle is a sum of A,B,C units and shares 'C' with 2CDE which in turn shares 'E' with 2EFG, and so on. In other words they become more in common.

On the top level all individual units become One. 

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

God of X

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Finally, just published my book online

205 pages, paperback, white edition. a mesh-up of science, art and magick.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Below are some pages from the book:

here's link to Miles Hingston

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 pages from my upcoming book

"Codex Chaos: book of random revelations". Soon to be available on lulu.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Evolution by trial and error is nonsense

Conventionally accepted definition and theory of evolution as 'trial and error' doesn't really make sense to me. Firstly, an 'error' is an arbitrary judgment (yesterday it was a mistake, today it's ok)... secondly, the nature never makes errors (only from a limited human perspective it may appear to do). The universe is governed by a set of precise laws. So is the nature and evolution. There's no space for error. Everything has its meaning.
I am arguing that nothing really is spontaneous. There's no chaos as such (only appearance of it due to failure to see the bigger pattern), the universe is not being 'pushed apart' (Big Bang explosion) but rather being 'pulled apart' towards a mysterious attractor. In other words, randomness is a convenient myth.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Matter Doesn't Matter

The reason why material science is short-legged.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How my mind works (hypothesis)

Contrary to what i have been taught that it's a human mind that generates ideas, i believe that in my case it can be the opposite: ideas come from afar and shape my mind.

This is roughly how it goes:

Ideas (data) come from a big suprafield >> enter my personal field of consciousness (the cloud of personal mental sensitivity that surrounds my brain) >> there they get meshed up in the resonance of my mind field which allows to create new patterns and sequences of the received data. As soon as the new information has been created in my mind, it gets 'sucked out' from my personal field back into the suprafield.

Foundation of the hypothesis:

Contrary to a popular belief that our universe is expanding by 'pushing' (explosion from within), there is a theory that argues that the universe is expanding by 'pulling' (implosion from without), in other words the universe is being pulled apart by an invisible force from without called Attractor (Black Hole). I believe that this is also true with all ideas (data). In other words, I am not 'pushing' ideas out, it is the suprafield's gravity (Mental attractor) that pulls ideas out of my mind.


Mental Black Hole shapes my ideas.

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