Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Long Hair Hypothesis

"Hair is the pranic antenna. It is energy, pure protein.” Yogi Bhajan

According to ancient wisdom our hair is directly related to pineal gland. The pineal gland is responsible for our DNA system. It is referred to as being the seat of the Soul or the seat of consciousness.

From these one can further extrapolate that people with long hair (longer antennas) are likely to be more sensitive to changes in the environment and cosmic radiation of consciousness. People with long hair are also more comfortable with ASC (Alternative States of Consciousness) and less susceptible to mind control and violence.

Conclusion: Why shave?

p.s. a new campaign for Vidal Sassoon, perhaps? ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Idea for a coffee brand

I'd have a lot of respect for a coffee brand that sponsors not only physical wakefulness, but also the spiritual. For example, investing in projects like this:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Idea: IKEA to introduce furniture for inner space

This is a futuristic concept for Ikea:

Idea: Bodyshop to introduce new product lines

According to traditional esoteric knowledge humans have at least 4 main bodies: Physical (symbolized by North and element of Earth), Spiritual ( South and Fire element), Emotional (West and Water element) and Mental (East and Air element).

Why not develop new product lines designed to work with each individual body?

Below's a branding example of the concept with corresponding colours:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to pay for magick

A magickally charged object ( i.e. a talisman) to be fully efficacious should never be sold, lent, coveted, obtained by fraud or force. To be fully effective a magickal object has to be given as a gift from a maker to the client. It is a symbolic operation and conventional fixed pricing is not involved here. A person who receives the 'gift'  must then offer a reciprocal gesture, as a payment for the service. Usually it is the 10th of the efficacy value (EV) of the talisman. Here's an example, say a client needs a talisman with the value outcome of 10. 000 $ (i.e. a start-up of small business venture), in this case his/her reciprocal gift to the magician should be 1000 $, which is the 10th of the 10.000 $)

Another important point to understand when personally determining the value of the service: The price for the efficacy of the object is symbolically addressed to the spiritual entities that partake in the creation of the talisman. Technically speaking, they feed off the energy of the client's offering.  When we make deals on spiritual levels, any attempt to covet or cheat the real value of the service will be immediately registered (not necessarily by the magician, but by the spirits involved) and subsequently annul the magical potency of the object. In other words, you can't cheat spiritual forces. A spiritually dishonest client would end up paying for a spiritually useless object.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pimp up that Bible !

Just came across a rather curious brief on from a client called Bible Illuminated. Basically it looks like a desperate attempt to make the old book more relevant to the modern culture - consumerism!
Strategy: To redesign it and pimp up with modern images.

Here's the winner of the pitch, who came up with an idea for a new Bible Illuminated audio book - iPod Cross:

It looks kind of interesting and weird but I don't think that design in itself is going to solve the problem or make any substantial difference. In fact, I believe it is a counter productive move to tie up the old spiritual teachings to something as flimsy and whimsical as modern pop culture. Strategically it is rather naive. It won't solve the problem and it won't make new "recruits" and it won't do any justice to Jesus teachings either!

I understand that the people behind this campaign want to make the Bible more relevant to modern life, but this approach is not the solution and seriously misses the zeitgeist (rapidly increasing disappointment with mainstream materialistic culture). So why on earth would you want to jump on this bandwagon that is heading towards the blind alley anyway?

What would be the solution? In my opinion, if you want to make Christianity more relevant to modern society, action would speak louder than words (or design gimmicks!) For example, focusing on solving world poverty, environmental problems, speaking loudly against politics of war, supporting those who fight against injustice (even if they belong to a different faith, like Palestinians!), etc.

This commands respect and attention and should be brought forth, not the tacky gimmicks.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Idea: New 2012 scenario, perhaps?

Check out this trailer for a new 2012 movie. The only interesting thing about it, in my opinion, are special effects. As for the plot - it's a yawn. Hollywood execs use the same old strategy of scaretactics, physical destruction, lots of noise, explosions, etc. This might appeal to an average Joe, of course, but definitely is a misleading interpretation of the global event (21 dec. 2012)

Personally, I would be more interested to see a different interpretation of the event. For example:

Why not to explore a different scenario with the base idea that on December 21, 2012 all people of the earth suddenly become telepathic? What would be the consequences of this global phenomena? And would it change the world for better or worse? And how many of us would survive the sudden change?

I have spent a fair amount of time researching the subject of 2012 and to me it's more about the paradigm change in our human consciousness, and less about earthquakes, tsunamis or falling fireballs. Booo hisss!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Idea: Personal Mobile Oracle app

This is a concept for a mobile phone app that helps undecided to make a decision.
It works as a psycho-digital oracle and provides four possible answers to any given question.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Idea: Soul-gazing as a dating event

They say, your eyes are the mirrors of your soul. Why not to have a dating service for soul gazers? Or rather a “speed dating“ style event where strangers sit in front of each other for a few minutes or so, silently looking into each other eyes and say nothing (perhaps making notes afterwards). anyone?

Or why not to push this blind dating thing further and make it literary blind: blindfolded couples date each other by means of dancing and talking (no visual contact!). This method of dating might would be most appreciated by “touchy and feely” couples.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Idea: Spiritual Corporate Experiment

The objective:

To produce a special documentary series that studies the effects of business philanthropy on the businesses themselves.

The documentary, let's call it Spiritual Corporate Experiment for now, will aim to find tangible evidence that charity has a positive effect on business not only from the public relations perspective, but mainly on the spiritual economics levels. i.e. spiritual law of the universe - What you freely give away comes back to you manyfold (or for every dollar selfishlessly spent for the common good, the universe will definately return some form of goodness multiplied).

This is how we can structure the experiment:

1. We invite 10 leaders from corporate business communities to freely give away, let's say from 1 to 5 million dollars each for an immideate selfishless investment in a good cause. (It can be both private or corporate donation).

2. For the next 12 months* a group of researches from different disciplines will be closely monitoring and collecting evidence in support of the spiritual law at work. Analysis of the data, video footage, personal testimonials and commentaries from the brightest minds of different disciplines (quantum physicists, metaphysicists, phsycologists, economists, philosopers, etc.) to be featured in the final documentary series that will be produced after the completion of the 12 months period.

The research team will be looking for positive manifistations on:

a) organisation level: inside (culture, moral, loyalty, etc) and outside (sales, stocks, PR, etc)
b) personal level: professional (career, work relations, etc) and private (health, happiness, family, etc)

* - the project can have an open date, but we need to set a minimum, hence 12 months.

note: as voluntary contributions may vary (from 1 to 5 million dollars), this will be also considered in proportion with "goodness returned" and compared. Doing this experiment on a scientific level may reveal suprising insights!

To start this experiment we need to do:

1. Initial capital to kick-start the project. So I think we need a sponsor. I believe that BBC will be a good choice since they already producing Business Unusual programs and a lot of progressive stuff comes from them. On the other hand, it could be any progressive and open-minded sponsor. (Suggestions welcomed!)

2. To spread this idea as wide as possible to generate global attention. Via blogs, social networks and other channels simply to convey the message - we want this experiment to be done!


The benefits of this project:

1. For businesses involved - excellent PR
2. For businesses not involved - an example that "giving is good for business"
3. For the rest of us (the world) - a hope that capitalism can be more human ;)


for those of you who are not familiar with spiritual principles I talk about, click
on the following links to find out more:


The Law of Attraction

this is just a start, there's plenty of related information online about it.

the project is under development.

if you have any questions or would like to contribute / take part, pls don't hesitate to contact me.