Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Idea: Recycling old TV ads into game quiz

The idea is to recycle already existing classical (otherwise non-interactive) TV ads by adding to them a layer of interactivity.

How it works:

On a special website a viewer is offered to watch a random classic TV commercial and in the end he is presented with a set of random questions related to the just watched commercial. For example:

Idea: FB Fantasy Friends

Why not develop a widget that would allow to create personal fantasy friends list? Or people you really admire and wish to become friends with?

Here's my personal FFB list:

Idea: Hopscotch credit card number

The idea is to encourage adults to exercise by hopscotching for a bonus. All they have to do is to make 16 random hops on a specially designed hopscotch mat that works like a numeric keypad.
The person who hits the right digital number of the credit card gets a reward, i.e. a credit card loaded with free 500€ to spend.

click on the pic to enlarge:

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Everything is OK

Danny and Charlie go out to St Paul's Cathedral, the London Stock Exchange, and the Bank of England spreading a universal message of peace and love.

Danny cheering up the miserable commuters on the Northern Line, London July 2009:

Idea: How to sell Swine Flu

This is in response to AdAge's post announcing that Government PSA Urges Americans to Get Swine-Flu Vaccine . Called "Together We Can All Fight the Flu," the campaign features seven 30-second TV commercials, three radio spots, online banner ads and outdoor ads that remind Americans of the importance of being vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus.

To be honest, it sucks. Not just creatively, but also strategically.

The campaign fails to solve the main problem - credibility issue. Everybody I know (including myself) believes that the whole swine flu propaganda is a political ploy which has been artificially hyped up to instill more fear in the populace. (Very similar to "war on terror" strategy.)

Here's a better idea how to sell swine flu:

Instead of showing sheeple bragging about being vaccinated why not show those unfortunate souls who already have been infected with the virus? I would like to hear them and not some actors on pay roll. Who are those victims that the government so desperately trying to make us believe are real and many?
According to the Centers for Disease control, 22 million Americans have been infected with swine flu, and nearly 4,000 have died from the H1N1 virus.

Better yet, the most convincing ad for me would the one that shows members of the government themselves taking the shots!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Idea: Climate Wars game

According to conspiracy theory H.A.A.R.P. (High Altitude Auroral Research Program) is developing weather manipulation technology capable creating earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis and other devastating natural phenomena that can be used as a secret military weapon. (Otherwise why the project is owned by US Military and is highly secretive?)

Why not design a strategy game that would popularize HAARP's science program as well as educate general public about the dangers involved should this technology be used as a weapon?

The game is a realistic simulation of earth environment that can be played online and allows to manipulate weather conditions of the planet thus creating floods, drafts, tornadoes and earthquakes. Apart from that players can apply mind control weapons by using real time sound waves to alter emotional states of their adversaries.
In the course of the game players would not only learn about the use of technology as a mighty weapon but also different survival strategies in dealing with consequences of various climate cataclysms, i.e. moving population to safe areas, building infrastructure, setting up rescue operations, etc.

General benefit of the game:

Making HAARP's technologies transparent (by introducing them to public awareness in an entertaining format) would make their military use in the real world more difficult. It would not only alert general public of the possibility and dangers of it's military use (and create more watchdogs groups) but also would stimulate development of its peaceful applications.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Idea: Famous brand to sponsor crop circles

As we move closer to 2012 more people get interested in exopolitics (study of political relations between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations) and crop circles phenomena.

According to International Crop Circles Archive (ICCA) appearances of crop circle formations worldwide are increasing and now capture imagination even of the "mainstreamers".

It would be a good idea for a big brand to sponsor a piece of land specifically designated for communication with extraterrestrial intelligence through crop circles medium.
By this I don't mean "shaving" a huge brand's logo on the crop field or anything like that. The project should not be a gimmick but rather an experiment with an objective of possibility to
establish a meaningful dialog with ETs.

From a marketing perspective the project would contribute to the brand's progressive image (open-minded, forward thinking, etc.)

i.e. below is an example for Apple brand (since they claim: Think different)

I can't imagine Microsoft doing it, but if it did, it would definitely help the brand to change it's rather uninspiring mainstream image into a more forward thinking and progressive... as well as winning hearts and minds of millions of crop circle enthusiasts worldwide.

Other potential sponsors who'd benefit from this idea: BMW or Mercedes, Google or Yahoo, Shell or alternative energy groups, etc.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Really hot cat!

+ 49°C in the shade, south india.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Idea: video highlights widget


When friends send us video links, why do we have to waste time watching a whole video clip when only a few parts of the video maybe interesting?


Why not develop a special widget that would allow us to select the best parts of the video and send our friends just these selected parts of the clip?

Below are some examples of potential sponsors:

the idea would also work for a juice brand:

... or newspaper with "no frills" approach:

translation of Bild newspaper slogan: Who has important things to say makes no long sentences. This applies to video as well.

Mind vs Heart

The following map shows limitation of human mind in perception of the ultimate reality.
Higher knowledge of reality is achieved through integration of all the senses, i.e. 5 senses of the mind (which interpret material plane) and the 6th sense of the heart (which transcends the material).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mystic arts

My ongoing project: Sacred geometry (metatron's cube) meets chaos magick (sigils).
Each sigil (loaded glyph) represents a specific wish to be manifested. The intent is to produce one sigil a day over a period of 151 days (the number of circles in the structure).

151 circles, sigils are placed from the centre along the clockwise spiral (1-150) which is looped up with the last one (151th) right in the centre.

Symbolism: black - colour of akasa (black hole, plane of probabilities), golden circles - colour of material plane (earth), 151 = 7 (" PATER NOSTER " = 151, 7 = mystic number representing the center of the humanity's connection to its source, god, Christ consciousness - or whatever name you prefer.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Liars hate silence


Idea: dirty mouth soap wash

A soap brand produces viral videos with famous "dirty talk" rappers being "mouth washed". Their original music videos would be re-edited and a 'clean' word would be audio superimposed on each bad word , i.e. "love" for "fuck", "lovely" for "fucking", "ladies" for "bitches", etc.

A graphic representation of soap foam could be also flashed in sync over the mouth. All 'nice' words could be spoken with a voice similar to Sam from Microsoft "text-to-speech" app.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Magician

Monday, November 09, 2009

Idea: Obscure Mission Statement Puzzles

Why not add more interactive fun to boring corporate mission statements?

provided by

Bombay style vs NY style

One day passing by a barber shop called N.Y. Styling I had a whimsical thought: wouldn't it be great if there was a Bombay style barber shop right next door... just for the sake of it! ;)

I think I am missing something unpretentious and natural here... like having my ears waxed with a match stick and being kissed in a forehead afterwards...

The Magician

Idea: Invisible Girlfriends

Thursday, October 08, 2009

On evolution of conscious observation, perhaps.

click to enlarge:

more Ufos here

Friday, October 02, 2009

Happiness = Productivity

Mollie Partesotti and Benjamin Alter at the VCU Brand Center created a thought-provoking animation which explains how work spaces need to be re-thought to ensure employee happiness. Showing how dehumanizing workspaces, such as cubicles, are at odds with both well-being and the way we work now, the duo artfully explores the domain of the modern workplace.

Episode 1 - A deconstruction of how we work from Cubes Are Evil on Vimeo.